ch.27 Mistaken

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I shook my head as angry tears filled my eyes. I wished I could close my eyes and open them again and go back to the day Sebastian offered those cruise tickets as our first getaway trip.

It was our first vacation out of high school and it was the summer and I knew, even if I was nervous, that he was going to make love to me at some point in the trip because we were sharing a room and we were young and carefree, but now we're confused and broken and delusional. 

I sighed. 

Maybe, I could even erase Sebastian from my life and Zayn would have never come into the picture either. Maybe I should have taken the tickets, asked Jimmy to show me his boat and then we could have fallen in love. I always liked Jimmy's shy glances and his soft blue eyes were sweet and gentle, unlike Zayn or Sebastian. 

But I didn't love Jimmy.

And the longer I stayed here on this island with Sebastian chained up, the more I loved Zayn and the more I also loved Sebastian.

"We'll make a feast of it" Zayn licked his lips. He looked down at the dried blood on Sebastian's neck.

I swallowed hard.

"You tricked me, Zayn, you lied and you-you used me" I whispered hopelessly. I don't care if he loves me now, he's psychotic and he tricked me into giving myself to him.

Zayn shook his head but his eyes burned into mine.

"I never tricked you, Tar, you know that" he told me softly. He sounded sincere, but I doesn't matter now. The necklace was a gift from Sebastian, the man I was supposed to love and did care a lot about. 

"Why did the curse require a pearl, huh?!" I spat.

Zayn blinked.

"Because a virgin's blood is pure. And a virgin's heart is even purer" Zayn answered bluntly.

I grumbled under my breath.

"But why did you want my pearl?" I hissed.

Zayn's lashes fluttered a bit shyly.

"I already answered this" he muttered under his breath.

"Well I don't believe your answer" I shook my head stubbornly.

Zayn stared at me and took a deep breath.

"Charming, so goddamn charming" Zayn grumbled under his breath. He glared at me as if it were my fault I were on this island, like I had asked him to keep me hostage and supposedly fall in love with me. 

"Pearl?" Sebastian spoke up. 

Zayn and I both turned to him.

I nodded. How did Sebastian get the necklace?

"The necklace I gave you on the ship?" Sebastian added.

I reached for him, but the guard pulled me back.

"Yes, where did you find it, Sebi?"I asked quietly.

"A woman handed it to me, said I should give it to the girl that took my most prized possession: my heart" he smiled shyly.

I held my breath. Sebastian nodded softly and I wanted to cry and run to him and kiss his heart. His domineering, but still honest heart.

"Bull sh*t" Zayn spat. 

He reached over and punched Sebastian right dab in his heart.

"Sebastian!" I cried. I reached as hard and as far as I could, but the guard was too strong for me.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now