ch. 6- I let him

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I had started to cry and scream again and the man got up. He rushed over to me and patted my back reassuringly, but it only made everything that much worse. 

I wanted to pound at his chest until my voice was numb and my hand was broken. He ignored my protesting and carefully moved my hair to the side.

"Let go of me! Please, let go!" I screamed and cried and begged. I didn't know what to do or say to make this model-like demon leave me alone and let me find Sebastian. Oh, God. Where is Sebastian?!

The man leaned close to me and wiped away a stray tear from my eyes. I was about to push him away when I looked more closely into his eyes. There was an intricate pattern of brown and green, even a momentary mist of red.

I started to stare at his dark lashes, his beavy, but highly-arched brow and cheek bones. His face was so breath-taking, but his heart was dark and his mind was beyond sane.

I hadn't even realized but just looking at him calmed me down. He patted my hand softly and his breath fanned my cheeks, easing my screaming and struggling.

He took he kissed my hand and returned to his side of the dining room table.

The maid who had put me in this contraption of a dress had set up a table of the most colorful and nameless foods I’d never seen. Where did he say he was from? Oh, that’s right, he didn’t. I was his love slave for life, so there was no need for me to know what country on God’s green earth I was.

“Madame Linelle prepared it this morning. Try it” he told me as he saw my hesitation.

I thought back to when he had whispered that weird incantation against my wrist and lips last night and wondered if he had poisoned the food.

He took a bite out of what looked like a purple apple, as if answering my doubts.

Slowly, I took a bite out of one of the pastries.

It had what tasted like strawberries and a hint of cream and honey. I took another bite.

He smiled at my approval.

I was too worn out and too hungry to protest anymore and I tried one of the fruits.

“They’re canterblossoms. Best in the spring time” he said as he noticed my approval for the fuscia-colored fruit that seemed to be a mix of a strawberry and a grape.

I nodded.

I cleared my throat.

“If I’m going to be your prisoner, could you at least tell me where I am?” I asked, not caring to mask my annoyance.

He looked at me as if contemplating whether or not to tell me where the hell I was.

“You’re not my prisoner. You’re my princess” he corrected me.

I glared at him.

“I’m here against my will. That sounds a lot like imprisonment to me” I retorted.

He was quiet a minute.

“You’re not in Kansas anymore” he grinned.

I sighed in annoyance. Now he was going to use metaphors and phrases?

“Then where am I? And who are you?!” I asked. My voice grew louder and louder with aggravation and desperation. 

“You are in my kingdom of Hydresca” he told me calmly.

His kingdom!? Hydresca? Where is Hydresca on the map?

“You still have not told me your name, my princess” he turned the tables on me, now.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now