ch.32 Your Malika

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I burst into tears for some stupid reason. I was here with Zayn, away, far away from Sebastian and yet I was wasting time being emotional. 

Zayn took my face in his hands and wiped my tears. I bit down on my lip to stop myself from crying because it made my eyes blurry and I wanted to see Zayn. I wanted to be with him. I've always wanted to be with him, I just refused to let myself hurt Sebastian, even though he was willing to hurt me.

"I'm not forcing you to stay" Zayn told me even though he held on tighter.

I nodded.

"I never meant to force you, I just- I just needed you-"

"It's ok-"

"No" Zayn shook his head.

I watched as his eyes darted quickly, searching mine for forgiveness. But I had already forgiven him. I just never admitted it.

Zayn took my hands in his and looked closely at my face.

"I had no reason to keep you" Zayn shook his head in disappointment. 

Suddenly, he looked up into my eyes and swallowed hard.

"I had a thousand reasons to want you" he whispered loudly.

 I stared at his lips and a tear streamed down my cheek.

A shrill laughing made us both jump.

"Zaynie" Madame Linelle hissed.

She stood up slowly; her flappy, decrepit body had returned and she was far from making it permanent.

Zayn stood up confidently and took a step towards her.

"If you don't leave now, I swear to God I'll kill you with my bare hands" he declared.

I swallowed hard and stood behind Zayn.

Madame Linelle burts into a hoarse laughter.

"You wouldn't" she shook her head.

Zayn's nostrils flared.

"You'd be surprised what 18 years of lies will convince a man to do" he hissed.

I took a deep breath.  Zayn was alone all these years. His life was a lie. Madame Linelle had killed his parents, his kingdom, then, as if she hadn't taken enough, she wanted his youth, his heart.

Zayn took my hand and

"Yes, it is surprising" she grinned slowly and looked down at Zayn holding my hand. She winked at me.

I avoided her eyes.

She held her hand up to her mouth as if whispering something like a school kid.

"I suggest you keep watch for the blonde neanderthal, he's possessive and pissed" she hissed. "Just like you"

"Shut up!" Zayn shouted. His fists tightened and he nearly swung at Madame Linelle but he stopped. No matter how many lies she had told, Zayn couldn't hit an old woman, let alone the one that had technically taken care of him for years.

I stared at the dungeon door for a moment, afraid that Sebastian was about to burst in.

"Bitchy Brunettes" Madame Linelle chanted as she played with a lock of her grey hairs.

Zayn lunged at her and grabbed her neck. She started to choke and laugh at the same time.

I swallowed hard. There was another trick, one more twist in Madame Linelle's plan. I searched the room as Zayn closed off her throat. 

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