ch.22 In the castle

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I would have stared at Jimmy for another hour had he not looked down and away awkwardly. I turned my attention to the ocean and stared at the slowly drifting waves. They were so calm. How could they be so damn calm!?

“Tar, you alright?” Jimmy asked hesitantly.

He almost looked like he regretted telling me about Sebastian. But it was too late now. I heard those few words and they rang in my ears, echoing back and forth like the ocean tide.

“Tar” he whispered and reached for my hand.

“No” I pulled my hand away.

I took slow, deep breaths, but that only made me more anxious. Strangely and guiltily enough, I sort of wished Sebastian was off on another island, that he had made it back home to Louisiana and that he forgot about me because I couldn’t remember him. I couldn’t walk up to him with Zayn holding my hand and say that I’d just forgotten about us and that he should forget, too. I just couldn’t do that, no matter how much I needed to…possibly even wanted to.

“You’re lying” I shook my head quickly.

“What?” Jimmy asked, completely confused now.

“You’re-you’re trying to make me feel guilty for being with Zayn” I declared.

Jimmy stared at me and his blue eyes widened in confusion and worry. He must have thought I was delusional because he reached for my hand again and tried to help me up, but I brushed him off.

“No” I raised my voice.

“Tar, he’s inside the castle. I saw him with my own eyes-”

“No you didn’t!” I shouted.

Jimmy was quiet, unsure what to say as logic and honesty seemed to be getting nowhere with me.

“Sebastian is gone. And if he ever loved me, he’s gone now and I’m here with Zayn” I announced. I grabbed fistfuls of my gown and stood up.

“Tar, wait” Jimmy called. He jumped up and took my wrist.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“To Zayn”

“Tar, I’m sorry” he apologized.

I ignored him and walked as quickly as I could with this damn heavy dress. Jimmy caught up in moments. He ran his fingers through his dark hair.

“I had to tell you” he defended.

I glared at him, then focused on my feet to make sure I didn’t trip. I guess Zayn had a point when he wanted me to stay in the castle; these shoes and this dress were made for marble floors, but sand.

“Tar” Jimmy sighed.

“Zayn!” I called.

Jimmy turned and I looked up at the sound of a loud crash. Zayn had jumped down from the balcony to the roof of the veranda, then climbed down the vines to reach the sand. He ran to me so swiftly, Jimmy and I were nearly winded by the gust he caused.

“Are you ok?” Zayn asked out of breath. He held my face tightly in his hands and I nodded.

“I just want to go inside” I told him honestly.

Zayn didn’t believe it was that simple. He turned to Jimmy and grabbed him by his collar.

“What did you say!?” Zayn growled.

Jimmy swallowed hard. Even if were to speak up, Zayn was practically choking him.

“Zayn, let him go” I spoke up.

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