ch. 7- The gardens

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“You’re majesty” the old woman called.

We both moved back quickly.

I tried to catch my breath.

Zayn loosened his grip and his tongue stopped tasting me.

The old woman smiled ever so slightly.

“You wished to have the key to your garden” she reminded him.

He looked at me a moment, then turned his attention back to the woman and nodded.

“Yes, thank you” he said quickly and he took the key and put it in his pocket.

The woman closed our door and eyed me teasingly.

When Zayn turned back to me, I had already moved from my spot.

“Don’t you ever touch me like that again!” I warned as I struck him across his face. Immediately, I felt horrible for hitting him, but the beautiful bastard deserved it. He had taken advantage of me in my weak, deluded, and tired state.

“Wait, Tar” he pleaded as he took my wrist again.

“Stop! Just stop!” I both begged and shouted.

I hadn’t meant to kiss him back at all. I was so tired and confused and longed so desperately for Sebastian.

I half wanted to punch him and half push him down on the bed and kiss him until my lips were sore.

And I decided to punch him.

Raising my feeble fist in the air, I aimed for his nose, but I partially stopped myself; I couldn’t get myself to hurt his perfectly carved face, especially with the look of apology in his eyes now.

I lowered my fist.

“Tar, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to force you like that. I just- I just lost control” he admitted in slight embarrassment. He searched my eyes for forgiveness. I turned away from him. I couldn’t look him in his hypnotic dark-lashed hazel eyes- now. I would probably let him go further if I did look.

“Please forgive me” he pleaded and he got down on his knees. He took my hand and kissed it over and over.

“OK” I mumbled.

He leaped up and pulled me to his chest in a warm embrace.

I nodded into his shoulder as he patted my hair gently.

“Come, I’ll show you to the gardens” he smiled as he took my hand and led me down another corridor.

I swallowed hard in disapproval.

He cocked his dark brow.

I sighed and gave him my hand.

He kept my hand in his in a delicate, but possessive manner as he led me to one of the other million rooms in the palace.

There was a half-opened door made up of completely of crystals and he opened it just enough to let me go in. He followed close behind me.

He shielded my eyes from the glaring noon light and led me on a pathway to a garden.

There were even more unnameable, but beautifully exotic plants that I was both afraid of touching and desperate to touch. Roses seemed to be the ideal flower that I've usually been given, but now they seemed mundane in comparison to these mile high and rainbow-hued petals and leaves. I didn't even know if they could be called petals or leaves.

Zayn took my hand and led me closer to one of the "plants."

I was eager at first, but then slightly hesitant. And I know I may seem quite paranoid, but what if they really were poisonous? Afterall, I have been kidnapped. And even though I was kidnapped by an obviously attractive man who was supposedly the prince of some kingdom, I still couldn't trust him.

Taken [Zayn Malik]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora