ch. 3- Another unknown

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I opened my eyes to a blinding sunlight. There were numerous palm trees swayed in the whistling wind. I looked down and saw that my dress was torn as sand and water had destroyed it.

My body was sore and my throat was unbelievably hoarse. I coughed until the sour salt water taste left my mouth. Then I turned slightly at the movement of a shadow. A tall, tanned figure stood quite a distance away, at the entrance of the forest.

“Sebastian?” I asked the air, the ground, the unknown and seemingly uninhabited island I was on.

I eased myself up from the semi-moist sand beneath me. My mind whirred and the ground was suddenly un-leveled. The figure ran toward me.

I took a few steps, but my legs were softer and more useless than the kelp at the bottom of the sea. I rubbed my eyes and teetered a bit.

Everything went charcoal black.



My eyes fluttered open and closed in a semi-awake state. I saw a male figure in the back of very large, palace-like room decked in gold.

How did Sebastian find me? We were in a room? What about the island? What about the shipwreck?

I was desperate for answers, but my body was so exhausted and my eyes so sore, that I resorted to calling blindly.

“Hold me, please” I asked the air.

I heard him stand up and take off shirt and pants.

He lifted the covers and lay next to me.


The water crashed left and right, hurling our boat against a large grey boulder. I screamed as I saw Sebastian’s boat blast into a thousand pieces.

Furiously, I swam toward him, but I felt someone tug at my waist, pulling me away. I turned around to see a man with jet-black hair and dark-rimmed hazel eyes grab me by my waist.

I struggled against him, but he was much too powerful. He pulled me close to his hard, bare chest. He stared down at my soaking wet dress and saw my pearl, the necklace that Sebastian had given me. With one fell swoop, he ripped the necklace off of me, leaving me unnamed and alone.

I looked over at where Sebastian’s boat had broken and cried as I saw him sink into the waters, never to surface again. 


I felt a strong arm wrapped tightly around my waist, tight enough that it was warm, but also quite possessive.

His chest warmed and soothed my still aching back. His warm breath tingled down my spine as he inhaled and exhaled calmly.

“Hold me” I whispered into the air, too lazy to open my eyes. I was too comfortable.   

He shifted behind me and I pulled his arm around me more tightly, tugging it to up to my chest. I played with his hand, letting my fingers entangle with his as I allowed him follow the curve of my neck, down to my breasts.

He rubbed my arms for extra warmth and leaned close to my ear, kissing down the nape of my neck and tickling my chest.

Then, something in my throat hitched. I realized I was missing my pearl necklace.

I turned around blindly, trying to think of a way to tell Sebastian I must have lost the necklace.

As I leaned my head against the curve of his broad shoulders, he wrapped his arms around my waist more tightly, holding my in place. 

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