Important Author's Note

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HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!


If you haven't thought of it already I want to remind you - our little Merlin is 30 years old. Can you believe it?

I really just hope he always stays the way he is - enthusiastic and cute and brilliant. This story gave me the feeling of being close to him and I'm sure that one day I will meet him in real life. (And pretend that I don't know him at all, haha.)

Now my story has ended and I can't thank you enough for the great support and the lovely feedback I got from you, my dear readers. It means more to me than I could say. Just like I can't express how much I enjoyed writing every chapter, every sentence, every word.

Crazy, how time flies. It was September when I started this story here and now year 2016 is about to begin. It's even crazier how in these 4 months the story became such a big part of my life.

June is so much like me - her weirdness, her self-doubts, her dreams... I want to say that it wasn't always easy for me to show you that much of myself. Almost every day I meet people who judge me because I'm not like them. Just take my attitude towards technology as an example. Or the missing social skills or how I always tend to live in my own world... I was a little afraid you could be judging June because of that. But you didn't. You accepted her the way she is and that feels like you accepted me the way I am. And that means a lot to me.

You have to answer a question for me - which chapter was your favourite one? Please answer right now so that you don't forget it, as I'm really really interested in that!

Something else. Now that I'm an active Wattpad-user and my first story has really been read, I think about writing another one. I'm not geeky about a lot of series or movies or actors, so if it was supposed to be a fanfiction, it would probably be related to Colin again, or you know to one of his projects.

I've already started "20 words of How Merlin Began" which isn't actually a real story, it's just supposed to remember the best of the amazing series. I also wrote some Merlin poems; I could show them to you if you want.

Okay so here are my ideas for a second story.

1. Merlin FF: Arthurs return into the modern world.

I honestly don't think it could work. There are too many stories like that on Wattpad already. I would love to do it but I doubt my own creativity in this point. What do you say?

2. Merlin FF: Freya's story (What happened before she met Merlin? And maybe afterwards?).

I've always loved Freya. She is such an interesting character. But would anyone read it?

3. Parked FF.

Have you seen Colin's movie Parked? If not it's no problem. His character doesn't have a love interest in it and I would give him one. It would be about a drug addict who falls in love with a girl who tries to save him...

4. The Fall FF: Sarah Kay and Tom Anderson.

I've always wanted them together. It's Merlin and Freya, come on!

You haven't watched The Fall? No problem (but you should!). It would be about a young woman who is almost murdered by a serial killer and a police detective sergeant who tries to catch him. And they would start an affair. And maybe even fall for each other... It would be different from the other stuff, less innocent maybe. Darker.

5. Or something completely different not related to anything.

That's all I can think of. Please tell me your opinion! I make my decision considering what inspires me most and what most people would read. Whatever I will eventually decide for - I will keep you posted. It would be great not to lose the connection to you.

You can also tell me other ideas by commenting on my profile or write me a PM - whatever you like.

Of course I don't want to be arrogant and expect it... but IF there is anyone who would like to read another story of me - please write me!

Just a few more words.

I will miss you! I will miss writing this story and I will miss your votes and comments that motivated me so much. Oh gosh. I'm terribly sentimental and melancholic right now. Sorry about that.

Well, nothing lasts forever. It's time to say Goodbye.

I want to end up with a quotation of the amazing Colin Morgan himself. In an interview after the last season of Merlin he said:

"I know this is the end, and I know this is Goodbye, but thank you for being there on the journey with us because it has been a lot of fun!"

Thank you.



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