13 The Tempest

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I looked into the mirror again. It was Tuesday. I would see Colin on stage in about two hours.

I looked okay. It wasn't one of these bad days, or something. But I was nervous and excited and I wanted to look better than normal. Not that it would help - even if I looked better than ever I would not be half as pretty as a girl who would be worthy of Colin's interest. I needed to hope that he was paying more attention to my personality. Wait - I was weird, so that wasn't good either.

Gosh, I had no idea why he wanted to spend time with me.

I thought about more make up but I didn't really have any experiences with that. I always just used mascara and that was it.

And actually I didn't want to change that today. Did I say, I wanted to look better than normal? That wasn't the point. He could date a girl that was exceptionally pretty, bold and confident at any time. But he wasn't. He was dating me. So couldn't it be that I didn't have to be these things? Maybe... maybe it was enough to be just me, myself. June. The way I was, the way I had always been.

And that was what I wished for. That the person I was could somehow be enough.

When Amy entered the bathroom to ask whether I wanted some help with my make up, I didn't have to think long about an answer. "Thank you, but actually not. I know you are really good at these things, but I don't want to look different. This is how Colin knows me. If he looks for a doll, I'm the wrong one anyway."

"A doll..." She shook her head, looking amused. "You're right though, you should look like yourself. But let me do something with your hair, okay?"

I never really did anything with my hair either. A ponytail or a bun sometimes, which was quickly done and handy, or I just left it the way it was. Amy always said it was a shame and that she would know a lot of things to do if her hair was that long. My hair had always been long; I was just never bold enough to cut it off. Amy tried a lot more and her hair could never be that long simply because she changed her mind about it all the time. One day, she wanted to let it grow, but on the next she just went to cut it again. (This habit was a requirement for her job, I guess, like I loved to read books.)

Amy used to do my hair in the past, but she hadn't done it in a while.

She now took a part of hair from each side and fixed it together with a nice clip at the back of my head. "Still natural. Still like you. But even prettier than before."

"Good job as always." I smiled at her in the mirror. Then I turned to look at her directly. "I hope you have an amazing day, Amy." I really meant it.

"I hope the same." She paused. "And you too, of course."

We laughed. Then the doorbell rang.

"Perfect timing." Amy went to open and I followed her. It was Bradley who would take both of us with him and drop me at the theatre, where Colin was already preparing for the premiere of his play. We drove to The Globe and I got out.

"Have fun," Amy said.

"Don't break his heart," Bradley called after me.

"She won't," Amy replied before I had the chance to say anything. She gave me a wink.

I shook my head a little irritated. "You... two have fun as well." Then I walked off.

Bradleys comment had confused me. Why would he say that? But I probably shouldn't worry, as he said things without thinking about them all the time. Reminded me of another friend of mine.

I walked straightaway into The Globe and forgot everything that had happened a minute ago. I had to stand still for a moment and look around. It was even more beautiful than I had heard. It wasn't just a theatre; it was like a different world.

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