12 Monopoly

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So we were playing Monopoly. A different sort of it, that had been made up by Bradley. And Colin had landed on one of my fields. And I had agreed to remove one of his pieces of clothes. God knows why.

Amy and Bradley looked at me full of expectation, while Colin looked as if he was about to run away. I leaned over to him. And took one of his shoes off. He grinned.

Bradley rolled his eyes. "Fair enough. This is just the start."

Luckily I didn't land on anyone's field so no one had to take any of my clothes off. Amy landed on one of Bradley's fields. And guess what he decided for?

"Why couldn't you just take my shoe?" she asked, after he had taken her shirt off.

"Too simple."

I wondered how Amy could remain that calm when he was obviously checking her out. I saw a little colour on her cheeks, though. Nevertheless - I had looked like a tomato in her place. Colin tried not to look at her, the gentleman he was; he certainly didn't want her to feel more awkward.

The next round got me - I landed on Bow Street, which belonged to Colin. We both started blushing the moment we realized it.

"Not the shoe, Cole." Bradley grinned.

"I didn't know there were rules for that," Colin mumbled and then decided for the scarf I had put on to keep my throat warm. His cold fingers touched my neck and I shivered immediately.

"Sorry" he said quietly and carefully pulled it over my head.

Bradley was the one owning the most properties, which is why he landed on his own fields most of the time. According to his own rules he didn't have to remove a piece of his own clothes. Of course not. Colin landed on Amy's field.

"My other shoe?" He asked hopefully.

"Oh no. I'm not as shy as June." Without hesitation she grabbed Colin's shirt and took it off. Then she looked at me as if she had done me a favour. As if she wanted to say: you can thank me for later.

I don't know whether it was Colin or myself who blushed more.

I'm not saying I didn't like to see him that way. You wouldn't believe me anyway, right? He looked... well... let's just say concentrating on the game became more difficult somehow.

I wondered why he felt that awkward about it. I could remember seeing him shirtless in Merlin for once and also in the movie Parked. It was probably easier for him when he was in acting mode.

I got distracted when it was my turn again. Now guess where I landed...

Yeah, you guessed it.

If I hadn't known better, I had suggested that someone manipulated the dices. Probably Amy and Bradley, as they knew we would feel embarrassed by the whole thing. Gosh, there was no more scarf, just my normal clothes, so it was up to Colin to pick something. I bit my lip. Considering that a pretty hot shirtless guy was going to undress me, I shouldn't feel that uncomfortable, but it was still a game and still two of our friends watching. Colin seemed as insecure as I was. We were just not ready for that.

He suddenly leaned over me, wrapped one hand around my hair that was tied up on a ponytail and removed the scrunchie with his other hand. He then let the hair flow over my shoulders and leaned back, smiling. He held the scrunchie in his hand like a trophy.

Bradley sighed. "You're hopeless, Cole. By the way that doesn't count."

"Of course it does," I answered back. I could hardly get over the fact that he had been that close. Shirtless and that close.

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