11 Having Dreams

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Nothing important happened on Thursday or Friday. I was feeling slightly better, and I knew I would be able to go to work next week, which was good. Moreover, I would be able to go to The Globe and visit The Tempest, which was even better. About 6 pm on Saturday Bradley called Amy and asked her if we wanted to do something with them. Amy talked to me and then invited the guys to come over to our place.

"I have no idea why they do that," I said before they arrived. "There are so many things you can do on a Saturday night in London, why would they visit us?"

"They like us," Amy replied. "That's why they are coming." Well, that sounded way too simple. And too good to be true. But I wouldn't care about their reasons, as I was filled with joy and excitement, and all I could think of was that I was going to see Colin in a few minutes. It was crazy; I never thought any guy could make me feel that way. But he wasn't just any guy, was he?

They arrived and Bradley kindly asked me how I was feeling, before he completely focused on Amy and started flirting with her. Colin hardly noticed her, as he was looking at me all the time.

"You look better," he said and then quickly corrected himself, "I mean you look less pale."

I bet I did, as he was certainly making my cheeks blush. Funny how he didn't even have to make any flirting comments to do so.

"Well, I feel a lot better than Wednesday."

"Speaking of that, I had to go but I didn't want to wake you. So I just left, I hope you don't..."

"It's fine, Amy told me." She had. She had been telling me everything. "I didn't get to say it, but it was very nice of you to visit me."

"My pleasure." He smiled.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep."

He shook his head. "Don't apologize. I'm just glad you're feeling better."

"So," Bradley said to all of us. "What do we want to do? Going somewhere?"

"Maybe we should stay here," Colin replied. "As June is just recovering."

"No!" I quickly contradicted him. "Don't you worry about me, I'm fine."

"I agree with Colin," Bradley said. "Amy?"

"Amy is on my side. Aren't you?" I waited for her answer.

She shrugged. "I don't think staying here is a bad idea. We could order some pizza. Or make some ourselves."

"Not just because of me," I said hesitating.

"No, we just want pizza." Bradley grinned. "Do you have everything we need to make one? I bet you don't, because my friend here is not only a vegetarian, but also lactose intolerant. He can't eat half of the stuff a normal person eats."

Colin rolled his eyes.

"We have a supermarket only a hundred meters away. We can buy everything," Amy suggested.

That's what we did.

In the supermarket I got this weird feeling, which I want to tell you about. The four of us had parted and Colin and I stood in front of a shelf, thinking about what we needed to take with us. We discussed some things and then agreed on the main ingredients, which is all not important but when we took the stuff, I thought for a second – what if it could always be like that? How would it be to be in a relationship with Colin? Living together, maybe even marrying... buying food together and cooking together every day... maybe cooking for our children one day in the future? Gosh, he would make such an amazing father.

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