10 The Lucky Ones

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We spent the Sunday at home, mainly because I didn't feel like going somewhere. We watched some Merlin episodes, which was different as we knew Colin and Bradley now, but also nice. In this way we could stare at their faces without getting noticed by them. I mean it's normally not that easy to stare at the face of a guy, if you don't want him to think of you as a weird person or a stalker, isn't it?

I went to bed early again because I hoped I would get my energy back through sleeping. I was wrong.

Getting up had never been as hard as the next morning. I felt even more exhausted and tired than in the evening, although I had more than my normal amount of sleep in between. Everything was aching - my throat, my head, all of my bones. I was cold.

I got up and dressed warmly. Then I went to the kitchen, where Amy was already making coffee. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"What happened to you? You look terrible!"

"Thank you, Amy, that's exactly how I feel." I coughed and then touched my throat because of the pain. "Can you... give me some coffee?"

"I can make you some tea if you want," she offered.

"That's lovely but I have to wake up. Otherwise I will fall asleep at work."

"June, you can't go to work today."

"I have to."

She shook her head. "You're sick, you have to stay at home and rest. I bet you have a temperature."

"I caught a little cold, nothing else. I'm fine." Even I could hear that I didn't sound convincing at all.

"Take your temperature," Amy commanded.

"Yes, Mum." I sighed and left the room. She was right. I was sick. Crap. I took the telephone to excuse me from work. Amy wanted to do the same so that she could look after me and although it was a very sweet offer, I couldn't take it. I said I would be fine, so she left after getting me a couple of blankets, tea and some pills. I slept pretty much all the time, until Amy came back in the early afternoon. I wondered why she was home already.

"I asked if I could leave earlier because my friend is sick. It wasn't a problem," she explained.

"Thank you," I said, but she shook her head.

"You would do the same for me." That was right, I would.

I felt really bad for the next days and whenever Amy was home she looked after me and brought me everything I needed. I was moved by her caring behaviour and I thought that, although there had been a time after school where we hadn't been in contact, she was a really good friend after all.

Bradley called Amy on Wednesday.

"He asked if we have time tonight, but I told him about your sickness. He understands it. We can meet some other time."

"Wait," I said. "Just because I'm sick doesn't mean you can't go."

She looked at me with surprise. "Of course I won't go without you."

"Don't be ridiculous. Call him again and say that you're gonna see him."

She hesitated. "And it's really okay for you?"

I managed to convince her in the end and it was obvious that she was happy with getting to see Bradley, although she tried not to show it. She left about half an hour later while I thought about a movie I could watch. Of course I had the ones where Colin was in, but I decided against them. Seeing him on screen wasn't half as good as seeing him in real life and I didn't want to make myself jealous of Amy.

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