3 Colin and Bradley

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Believe it or not. Colin Morgan and Bradley James stood in front of our table.

"Hi. Sorry, would you mind if we joined you? Cause there is no other seats left." Bradley smiled at us, in a friendly and charming way. Amy stared at him. She would freak out, I could see it coming.

"No, we don't mind, do we?" I kicked her leg a little, to make her speak.

"Absolutely not!" She sounded way too excited.

"Great." Bradley took the seat towards her; Colin sat next to him, in front of me. I hold my breath. How good he looked! The dark hair and these cheekbones ...

Bradley obviously wanted to start a conversation with us, which was good, because I had no idea how to do it. "So, do you want to tell us your names?"

I could see that Amy wasn't able to speak normally, so I introduced us. "I'm June. That's my friend Amy."

"Nice to meet you, June and Amy."

"Don't you tell us your names?" I couldn't believe I just said that.

"You don't know?" Bradley looked surprised.

"Sorry, did we meet before? I don't think I remember ..."

"No!" Colin said quickly. "We haven't! I'm Colin. That's Bradley." It was the first thing he said. His voice! This accent! I could listen to him forever. It must have made me smile and he smiled back in a beautiful way that emphasized his cheekbones and his dimples at the same time. I suddenly felt shy, when our eyes met for a few seconds.

"Nice to meet you, Colin and Bradley." Oh, Amy had found her voice again. "Do you live here? In London?" She even supported my little game.

Bradley nodded. "We do, we work here."

"What are you doing?"

"We ... er, Colin tell the girls what we're doing."

"We are ... interior decorators."

Bradley ran a hand through his blonde hair and gave Colin a weird look. "Yes ... yeah, right. We ... decorate rooms ... and stuff." He obviously wondered how exactly this job came into Colin's mind. I had an idea.

"Like in that Death Cab song - Death of an interior decorator."

Colin stared at me. "You know Death Cab for Cutie?"

"They're my favourite band."

"They're my favourite band!"

"Really?" Of course I knew. He was the one who "introduced" them to me, though he didn't know. I started listening to their music, when I heard him talk about them in an interview. But I didn't lie - their songs were the best I had ever heard. I couldn't stop listening to them.

"Yes! They are!" He was beaming with excitement and enthusiasm. "I think they're just brilliant!"

"Oh, here we go." Bradley rolled his eyes. "Now that he found someone with the same taste of music he won't stop talking about it. Cole, could you please not freak out? It will scare them away."

We all laughed.

"Do you have a favourite album?" I had to ask.

"Well, all of them are fantastic. Transatlanticism probably. It was the one that got me into them. Do you have one?"

"Plans. Definitely. But I could never choose a favourite song."

"I know! There are just so many ..."

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