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Hi everyone!

A few things to say at the beginning.
At first. English is not my mother tongue, I am actually German. Please forgive my mistakes. But I thought in this way are more people going to read it. Maybe that's nonsense but writing a german story about Colin Morgan ... well, it just doesn't feel right. So I am going to try that. We will see if it works.
The second thing. This is my first story, not in general but on wattpad. Please comment and say how you like it. I am always open to criticism, cause then I know what I can do better.
The last thing. I love Colin Morgan, although I have never met him (yet!). I have seen pretty much all of his work (which is not always easy as I live in Germany). Merlin will always have a special place in my heart. I also always thought Colins relationship with Bradley is quite unique.
Guess I am as obsessed with Colin as June :)
If you like him too (if not - whats wrong with you? Joke, I'm sorry), you will hopefully like this story.
But you don't necessarily have to be a Colin or Bradley fan to read this.
Okay, now I feel like I should apologize for this long introduction.
Enjoy reading!


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