4 Surprise

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We left the restaurant trying to look calm, controlled and sophisticated. We walked down the street like normal people. Behind the next corner it was over. We freaked out. Of course I didn't care about what anyone was thinking about us at this point, but it would have been interesting to know. Guess people watching us got a little irritated (if not anxious), though we didn't behave that weird. Except screaming, giggling and jumping up and down.

"Can you believe it?" Amy hugged me. "I mean, June, can you believe it?"

"Gosh, no. Absolutely not. We just dreamed this, right? It's not real. It can't be."

"Yes it i-his! We just met the most amazing guys in the world! And Bradley looks even better in real life!"

I laughed. It was so exciting.

"I would have loved to ask them something about the show, though," Amy said.

"I know," I sighed. "Do you think it was the right decision to lie to them?"

"I don't know. But they didn't seem to be annoyed by us. They talked to us for a longer time than they probably had if we said the truth. That means yes. Yes, we did the right thing."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "I really have to go back to work."

"How can you think about work now?"

"I don't know. I have to and you too. Our living room is still empty. When the furniture that we ordered arrives, we will need some money to pay for it."

She shook her head. "Do you honestly care about our furniture right now? Don't you wonder whether we are going to see them again?"

"There is nothing to wonder, Amy. It's not going to happen. No matter how much we wish it."

She looked disappointed. "So what do we do? Remember it as the greatest meal of our life? That's it?"

I shrugged. "First we go to work. We don't know what will happen in the future, right?" We started walking and Amy stayed quiet for a while, which doesn't happen very often.

She suddenly stood still and looked at me. "I didn't embarrass myself back in there, right? Please, tell me I didn't say anything stupid in front of Bradley."

I laughed. "Of course not. You were the perfect Queen for King Arthur."

"We all know that's Gwen," she mumbled. Then her face lightened up again and she became curious. "How was it when there were only you and Colin at the table? What did you talk about?"

"Nothing really. We both didn't know what to say."


"No, it's okay. It wasn't as bad as it sounds." I smiled.

"You like him, don't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's nothing new. It's what you call a celebrity crush."

"Not more?"

"How is that possible? We only met them once and talked for no longer than half an hour." I looked at her seriously. "Let go of it, Amy."

We arrived at the book shop. She had only a few minutes to walk from here. I hugged her, what I normally don't do, but she looked so sad. I was kind of sad myself.

"See you at home." She left.

I tried to focus on my work, but still some people had to tell me things twice, as I had my head in the clouds. I was really relieved, when the day was over. At home, Amy waited for me. Something had happened. I could see it in her face. Something good.

"Don't you miss anything?"

I shook my head. "Don't think so."

"Where is your phone?"

That was a good question. I looked for it in my bag where it normally was - nothing. My pockets - nothing again. "Crap. I think I lost it."

"You left it in the restaurant. Must have fallen out of your pocket."

"How do you know?"

"Because ... Bradley just called me with it and told me that they found it!"

"Oh my gosh!" I couldn't believe it. "What did you say?"

"I said we're gonna meet them tonight to get it back." She started dancing around the flat. "June, you're a genius!"

"You do know I didn't leave it there on purpose?"

"I don't care as long as it gives us the chance to see them again." She was a bundle of joy. "Or don't you want to see Colin again?"

"You know the answer."

"Great!" She took my hand. "So, come on, we have no time to waste. You need to help me, I have no idea what to wear."

"We're gonna see them for only a few minutes."

"But it's Bradley and Colin!"

"Right." I nodded. "So, are you gonna help me picking my clothes afterwards?"


Okay, a little note at the end. I'm already done with half of the next chapter and I will finish soon, cause I just love writing this story and can't really stop, to be honest. :)
However. I am going to wait with uploading it, until at least one person comments. I know that could take a while, as this story is new and maybe not discovered by so many of you yet. But that's okay, I just want to make sure someone is reading it. Otherwise writing seems a little pointless to me.
My story is just beginning and I have loads of ideas ...
So if you like what I wrote so far - tell me! I look forward to it.

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