18 Epilogue

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And then what? Colin and I walked off into the sun set? And lived happily ever after?

Life isn't a fairy tale. Although for the last few weeks it had almost been. But I wasn't naive enough to believe things would always stay as perfect as they were at the moment. Which doesn't mean I was worrying. Of course there would be problems and arguments like they exist everywhere, but we could solve them. It's not arguments that destroy most relationships. It's life itself. The drab monotony of daily routine. But could a life with Colin ever be boring?

No. And it wasn't.

We enjoyed every minute we spent together - every time we walked through London by night, every laugh we shared, every plan we made for the future. One of those plans was going to a Death Cab concert - we definitely had to do that. And a million other things, as there was a lot you could do in London. We would try to avoid crowds though, if possible. Maybe we could go for a picnic once again...

Of course we kept doing things with Amy and Bradley, which was always a lot of fun, as you can imagine.

I will tell you about how life was going for the four of us in particular. It went pretty well, actually.

Amy really got a job at a film set and they loved her, like I expected. I knew her talent since she tried her first hairstyle on me in Primary School. She was successful with what she was doing and - more important - it made her happy.

So did Bradley, who had plans to do a new movie, after he fully recovered from the accident. Amy was more than willing to take care of him, whether that was even necessary or not. And I had the feeling that the part inside him that was very similar to Arthur did enjoy to be served now and then. But don't think bad of him now; he was a great friend. His charm and his jokes created an atmosphere everyone would feel comfortable in.

If you want to hear about me - I was quite busy writing scripts. I let the guys read them before I sent them away, like Colin had suggested, and it was a great help for me. Amy read them as well and always said how much she loved them, which was really motivating. For the first time of my life I experienced how it was to have friends who support you and believe in you.

No one seemed to have any doubts about my glorious future as a writer. Well, no one except myself. I saw it a bit more realistic, but I didn't doubt myself the way I used to do in the past. I learnt to believe in what I was doing and I was hoping that things could turn out good for me in the end.

I didn't quit my book shop work at once, as it would certainly take some time before I would get any success in writing. But that didn't matter. I finally did what I always wanted to do. It wouldn't be easy, but was my dream, so I would fight for it.

If you are dreaming of doing something - work on it. Try it again and again and don't give up, no matter how hard the way is or how unrealistic it seems. Dreams are worth fighting for. That's what I learnt from Colin.

Colin. Don't worry, I didn't forget about him. He was completely happy with his acting like he always was and always will be. He did an incredible amazing performance on stage and already looked for next projects to work on. I had only seen his talent and his diligence at first, but I knew so much more about him now. I knew who he truly was. And it was his personality - the way he was thinking, the way he cared about others, his kind heart, his honesty... that I admired most. That I loved.

Since all of us had ended up in the film industry, the guys liked to make fun of how they had managed to pull us into 'their world'.

"And this, although we did everything to hide it from you at first," Bradley said, shaking his head. He was right. No one would have thought things would turn out that way in the end. Destiny does surprise you sometimes, I guess.

"And all this time we had to pretend we didn't know about it," Amy replied and sat down on the sofa next to him. "I'm so glad I finally get the chance to ask all of my questions."

He put his arm around her. "Questions?"

"About the series, of course! Every real Merlin fan would come up with a million questions when he met the actors. They never ask the right things in interviews."

I smiled about that. Asking questions about Merlin had been her desire ever since the moment she had seen them in the restaurant walking towards our table. She had been waiting all this time and now there was obviously the fangirl breaking out of her.

"Oh no..." Bradley rolled his eyes when he realized that. "Those fans really drive you crazy. And you're doing that anyway." He sighed. "It can be so annoying to be famous sometimes."

"As if you wouldn't enjoy it." Amy crossed her arms. "I just can't believe being famous is annoying."

"You're going to make that experience yourself."

"Am I?"

He nodded. "You too, June. You're working in the film industry now. You should better go and buy some dark sunglasses."

The door opened and Colin came in. The guys were spending a lot of their free time in our living room; probably more than in their own.

The decoration had been completed by hanging up the photograph of the four of us. Our own faces were smiling down at us, reminding us of how precious happiness was and therefore worthy of being treasured.

As usual, Colin's eyes met mine the second he entered the room and a soft smile involuntarily appeared on both of our faces.

"Am I right, Cole?"

Colin's eyes went from me to Bradley. "Hmm?"

"I just tried to prepare the girls for being famous, before they are thrown in at the deep end. Anyway," he shrugged it off and changed the topic, "I'm pretty hungry. Can anyone make some dinner, please?"

"I can do it," Colin said. "Anyone want to help me?"

"Sure." I crossed the room. Cooking wasn't something I didn't like to do, and when it would give time with Colin - even better.

"I would really love to help, but I can't. My foot, you now, and my rib..."

"Of course." Colin had obviously expected an answer like this coming from Bradley.

"I can help." Amy stood up.

Bradley grabbed her arm and held her back. "I don't think they need you." He made her sit down again, on his lap this time.

"Let's give them some time for themselves," Colin mumbled and opened the kitchen door for me.

I looked into his sparkling eyes. "You mean let's give us some time alone?"

He grinned. "Exactly."

"Don't get too distracted by June, Cole," Bradley called after us. "We don't want another pizza getting burned."

He was such a joker. I just shook my head and entered the kitchen.

Colin closed the door behind himself. "He is right, though."

"About you getting distracted by me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"That could happen, yeah. But I actually meant what he said before. About your success in the film industry. I'm sure it won't take you long to get famous." He smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Famous? Well, maybe. But just a little."


Merry Christmas everyone! May all your wishes and dreams come true!
Now this is really THE END of my story. Do you remember three years ago, when something else had just ended on Christmas? I remembered this and it inspired me, so I wrote a poem about Merlin and Arthur. Maybe you want to read it? I think it would be a good time for it. Christmas time is always a good time for poems :)
I would also ask you to read the author's note that's coming next week. I think about writing a new story and I need help choosing a topic. Also I want to say some things to you in the end, so please check it out.
Thank you again, my dear readers. For everything. Have an amazing time on Christmas with your family and friends and everyone who is important to you.


Famous? Just a little.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora