5 Phones and Technology

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Colin and Bradley had suggested the park near the restaurant as place for us to meet. They probably thought there wouldn't be a lot of people at eight o'clock, who could recognize them. They still wanted to hide from us what we already knew - their real job and how famous they actually were. Of course we arrived too early, so we had to wait about fifteen minutes for the guys. (But even if it was fifteen hours - who wouldn't love wait for someone like that?)

Amy and I had been full of excitement since we knew we were going to see them. We tried to hide it when they arrived.

"I'm sorry you had come here because of me," I said.

"You don't have to apologize," Bradley replied. "It gave us the chance to meet two pretty girls again. We don't have any problem with that." He was really charming. Amy gave him her brightest smile.

We stood there a moment in silence. Bradley looked at Colin, but he didn't seem to notice.



"The phone."

"Oh yeah." Colin gave it back to me and my heart started beating faster, when his fingers touched mine.

"Thank you." I tried not to stare at him.

"We were about to leave the restaurant, when we saw it lying next to your chair," Bradley explained.

"The funny thing is June didn't even notice that her phone was gone, till I told her that you called me. She almost never uses it." Amy laughed.

"Ha, that sounds familiar to me. Colin here tries to avoid all sorts of technology."

"That's not true," Colin said.

"Oh, come on. You know it is."

Colin shook his head. "I just don't think it's good when people prefer looking at their screen than someone's face. I've got my phone and my laptop, I just don't rely on them so much."

"Yes," I agreed. "It's not about using or not using these things. But no one needs them to survive. I can see that the social media thing is handy for some people, I just never felt like I needed facebook or twitter myself."

"Oh, will you ever wake up?" Amy couldn't understand my opinion at all. "You're supposed to live in the 21. century. Of course you need it."

"Give it up," Bradley said to her. "You can't convince them. I tried it with Colin so many times, but he is hopeless." He put his hand on Colin's shoulder. "At least you found someone who is thinking like you. You're happy now, aren't you, Cole?"

"I am." He grinned at me and I smiled shyly, not knowing what to say.

Another moment of silence. Then Amy said something that made me remember that she was the bold one of us two, the one who knew how to get in touch with people. "So, do you fancy sitting down somewhere, having a drink or something like that?"

"Well, I would," Bradley replied. "But it's not the best time. I have some things to do, unfortunately."

"So do I. Why don't we do something on Sunday? I mean ... um, only if you like ..." Colin was so cute when he stuttered.

"Definitely," I said happily. "Sunday is great."

Amy nodded quickly. "It is. Bradley?"

Bradley said he had time as well. "What do we do?"

Amy's suggestion was cinema, but the guys didn't seem completely comfortable with it. Well, cinema was probably one of the places where they got recognized most.

Bradley looked for an excuse. "I don't really feel like being in public - I mean among people."

"Yeah me neither," Colin helped. "Those crowds everywhere ..."

They were obviously still thinking everything could be ruined if someone told us about Merlin and the success of the show. It made me feel good and bad at the same time. They tried so much to keep it a secret, which was sweet, but on the other hand it wasn't fair that we made them do it. But I couldn't tell the truth without ruining everything myself. So I suggested the first thing that came into my mind.

"Why don't we go for a picnic? I used to do that with my siblings at home, it was quite nice." Wait, what? A picnic? Who would come up with something like that? Only a really strange girl from a little village, who didn't notice she was in London now. Great. The two most amazing guys in the world wanted to go out with us and I had to embarrass myself like that. I should learn to think before I speak.

Bradley raised his eyebrows, like Gaius. He looked amused.

Amy laughed. "Only you would have such a weird idea, June. You're really funny." She looked at Bradley. "I told you she doesn't live in the 21. century."

I felt my cheeks blushing.

"But wait. I really like that." We all looked at Colin.

"A picnic?" Bradley frowned.

"Why not? We could pick the girls up in the morning and drive out of the city. We would have a really nice day in nature." He shared one of his incredible smiles with me.

"Nature, yeah." Bradley laughed. "I should actually be surprised that that wasn't your idea, Colin. Well, I don't think I ever did a picnic, but if we're going to have food, you can count me in."

"We can prepare the food and bring some blankets." I knew Amy would change her mind when Bradley agreed.

"I thought it's a weird idea?" I had to.

Now she was blushing. "I didn't say ... I mean, maybe it's not that weird. Just a bit ... unusual." We laughed.

"When do we pick you up?" Bradley asked. "Eleven? You have enough time to prepare everything then."

"Eleven is fine." Amy looked happy. "June, I bet you have your pens and paper with you as usual. You can write the address down."

I pulled out my notebook, wrote it on a new page, ripped it out and gave it to them. Everything seemed to be settled now.

Bradley said he looked forward to tomorrow and Amy agreed with him - of course. Colin and I just shared a look before it was time for them to go. How blue his eyes were! I couldn't wait to see them again.

After a few steps Bradley turned around again. "If there is any change of plans you can call us. You've got Colin's number in your phone now, June."

"She does?" That was obviously new for Colin.

"Yeah, I thought you would be okay with it."

"I can delete it, if you want," I said.

"No, it's fine. I trust you." He trusted me! Oh my gosh. I had his number! Could my life get any better?

Bradley walked away backwards now, still talking to us. "Not a good chance that this caveman notices when someone calls him, though. Do you even know how to use a phone, Cole?"

"Shut up."

Well, we were going to spend some more time with these two. I guess it could get even better.


A short note:
Thank you to everyone who took a look at my story so far. I hope you like it. And I hope there are not too many mistakes in my language.
Please read and comment. The next chapter is coming soon.


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