9 Famous?

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So we had just finished the decorating of our living room, when Bradley said something really unexpected.

"It's been fun. But I think we should tell you the truth." He shared a look with Colin, before he continued speaking. "Were not really working as, er..."

"Interior decorators," Colin helped.

That surprised me. Not that it wasn't their real job, of course - I knew that. But I was surprised by their honesty.

"We're actually actors. I'm sorry for lying to you." Colin looked at me as if he sought my forgiveness. He had no idea.

"Well, um..." Amy was as confused and surprised as me. For the same reason. "Why did you lie?"

"We didn't want you to have prejudices," Bradley said. "Some people have a bad opinion on actors, they think they're all arrogant or something like that."

Amy and I looked at each other. What now? Now we had to tell them the truth, didn't we? But Amy spoke first.

"Are you famous?" she asked.

"Famous?" Bradley looked at Colin.

Colin looked at him, then at us. "No, um... just a little..." Well, that wasn't exactly the truth and he seemed not too comfortable with it. He blushed and then quickly continued speaking to hide his embarrassment. He struggled through the next words. "I... Um, I'm in London to do some... some theatre and Bradley is looking for... another project. But it's not... we're not different from any other people. It's like a normal job. But, er, could you promise us something?"

"What?" I asked.

"Please don't look for us on the internet."

Amy raised her head, and then her eyebrows. "Oh, are you guys so arrogant that you expect every girl to do a research on you and stalk you on social media?"

"No, we're not... We don't think..." Poor Colin, he started blushing again. I wished she hadn't said that.

"And I thought you're not really famous? So why would we look you up anyway?" she went on. I gave her a warning look.

"That's right." Bradley finally decided to help his stuttering friend. "But there might be some stuff about us, nevertheless. We don't want you to be influenced by anything. Just promise, okay?"

We promised. That was it.

We let go of the topic and spent the next while talking about other things. However, all this time I had to think about how honest they had been and whether we made the wrong decision to keep lying. When Amy had finished telling them which one of us picked which pieces of furniture and where we bought it (which took quite a while), she left with Bradley to show him where to find the bathroom. Colin and I stayed in the living room.

He looked at me. "Are you okay? You seem sort of quiet."

"I'm fine," I replied quickly.

"You're not angry with me because of the job thing, are you?"

"No." I smiled. "Of course not."

He smiled back. "Good."

"Why good?"

"I just... don't want you to be angry with me." Those puppy eyes! No one could ever be angry with him.

Amy came back, then Bradley and we realized how late it was. The time seemed to fly when the four of us were together. The guys decided to leave.

"I think you should give me your number, Amy," Bradley said at the door. "If we wanna meet again we don't have to rely on technology haters like them."

Colin raised one of his eyebrows. "You do know that it was June and me who arranged this today?"

"Yes, Colin, it makes me very proud to see that you've learnt how to use a phone."

"Don't underestimate us, Bradley," I said.

"Yeah, we have many talents." Colin took a step so that he stood next to me. His arm touched mine, but he didn't move away, in fact I don't think he even noticed it. Well, it got definitely noticed by me.

I think by now you know that I was not quite like everyone else. Another proof for that was that I normally wasn't comfortable with physical contact, unless I knew the person very well, over a longer time. It was the reason why I tried to avoid crowds if possible. And generally didn't feel like hugging someone all the time. I didn't talk about that to a lot of people. They often ended up thinking I was weird somehow. And maybe I was. Or maybe that was just me.

But the actual point was that Colin's soft little touch didn't make want to move away. It made feel warm and fuzzy like the rays of sunlight. I've never felt like that before.

But it took Amy only a minute to give Bradley her number. And then - after we said "Thank you" for about five more times - they left.

I closed the door and took a deep breath to calm myself down. There were too many emotions in me once again - I definitely had to write them down later. We went back to have another look at the living room.

I turned around in a circle. "It looks great."

"Do you know what's great?"

"That we know Colin Morgan and Bradley James?" I guessed.

"Yes!!! And not just knowing them in terms of talking to them for five minutes. We really know who they are! I'm so glad you had this brilliant idea before we met them."

The more she became fond of it, the more doubts were growing in me. "I don't know. I feel like a liar. Especially after today, when they told us the truth about their job."

"What truth? They said they were not famous and made us promise not to do any research. They left out the whole Merlin thing. That's not what I call honest. Look, June, you are smart, but you are not aware of one important fact."

"Which is?"

"Honesty isn't always the best way." She said it as if she had discovered one of the biggest secrets of humanity.

I frowned sceptically. "And lying is?"

"We're not lying. We are... bending the truth. Like them. There's nothing wrong with that." She really believed what she said.

"If you say so," I mumbled and leaned against the wall. I didn't feel like having this discussion with her, in fact I was pretty tired.

"What do we do now?" she asked cheerfully. "Watching a movie in our new wonderfully decorated living room?"

"If you don't mind, I'd rather go to bed. I feel somehow exhausted."

"And you are coughing the whole time." She gave me an attentive look. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

"Maybe. I hope not."

"Be careful," she said as if it was my own decision to get sick or not. "It would be a really bad time."

I managed to smile a little. "I know. I'm sure it's better tomorrow."


So, I need to ask you, what do you think? Did June and Amy make the right decision or should they have told them everything? And do you think honesty is always the best way or not?
Thank you for reading this chapter! And always remember I'm not the kind of person who doesn't care about votes and comments. Everyone who leaves his opinion down here will make me update the next part sooner :)


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