Chapter 17: A Weird Feeling

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Chapter 17: A Weird Feeling

I've been trying to gather the energy I needed to fly; but to no avail. For some reason, I couldn't. Flying seemed impossible to do in this world.

My school was right in front of me. All the lights were turned off and of course the doors were locked on every side. I take a deep breath, "Alright. Think Tania; How can you get in without breaking down the doors or windows?"


On the side of the building, there were old vines that could bring me to the roof of the school. I knew that the door on the roof was locked, so I would just have to climb up to the first window I see and use a thin laser-like ki to penetrate the glass in order to get inside the building; Almost like those spies do in the movies.

I made my way to the side and saw the vines. They looked like they were good enough to climb on. I place a foot on a section and began my ascent. Because of the wind, the vines blew side to side, making it difficult for me to stay balanced.

"Come on... I gotta get going!"

After less than a minute of struggling, I got to a window and took a deep breath.

All right. This is it... The moment of truth. Will I be able to actually use my ki here or will it be impossible just like flying?

Within my being, I try to find the source of my energy. I felt a little of it rising but for the most part, it just didn't want to bring itself out.

"Come on, come on, come on," I get impatient, "This isn't the time to be getting all shy and withdrawn; I need you!"

I try again to get my ki to release itself, but nothing happened. I grunt and thought of another idea as I continued getting blown by the strong winds.

I should've known that I couldn't use my ki. Geez... After all, it was Mamoru who brought me here... He wouldn't want me to have any advantages of course... Hmm, the only option I have left is- Ah!

With a soft push, I opened the window from the outside and quietly climbed inside of it into a dark classroom. I then face palmed myself for not thinking about something so simple sooner.

This is pathetic. How stupid can I be?

I used the moon as my light to get me to the light switch in the classroom; I switch on one light so the dim light wouldn't be very noticeable then went back to the window and closed it, bringing the curtains together so that the light was less likely to be spotted.

All right! Time to get busy.


Currently, Bulma was on her advanced computer that was stored in her and her fathers' basement laboratory, typing away while Dad and I were several feet away from the scientist, playing cards.

"Goldfish." Dad smiles as he then watches me pick up another card.

"Dad, don't you think we should see if Bulma needs any help with what she's doing instead of sitting around playing goldfish?" I ask before looking behind me to Bulma.

"Don't stress yourself. Tania will be fine, Gohan."

"I don't know, Dad..."

"Relax Son."

I look down and stare at my cards; Two kings were in my hand. I took them out and placed them in my matching deck.

It's been a few hours since Tania's been gone. I hope she's alright...

"Alright Dad." I look at a lonely Jack in my hand, "Do you have a Ja-"

"FOUND HER!" Bulma suddenly screams.

"You found her?!" I throw my three cards into the air, stand up, and run to the blue-eyed woman.

Where is she? Where's Tania?!

"Look here on the screen!" Bulma points to what she's referring to.

The screen showed green and blue wide circles. A white dot was repeatedly disappearing then reappearing inside the blue circle.

"What does this mean? I don't understand."

"Tania is still somewhere nearby."

"If she's nearby, how come we can't sense her?" Dad catches up to me.

"I can't answer that." Bulma turns around in her chair, "This is what I know: The colors on the screen represent our world and well, another. The blue symbols our Earth and the green represent another planet in our or in another galaxy. That necklace Tania wears acts like a strong tracking device and can only be seen with advanced technology. The white dot on my computer is signaling that she's still here on the planet."

"Are you sure, Bulma?!" I ask.

"Positive." She nods, "You're gonna have to gather up everybody and search the entire planet! For all we know, she can be hurt."

"Yes!" Dad and I nod.


"Did you see Tania anywhere?" Erasa asks as we opened our lockers. The school day was about to begin.

"No." I reply, "She'll show up eventually. She hasn't even missed a day of school yet."

"Yeah... " Erasa applies mascara while looking into a mirror attached inside her locker, "There's just something I wanna ask her."

"What would that be?"

"Sharpner told me about something he saw just the other day. It was about Tania and Gohan."

A memory of mine and Sharpner's conversation popped back into my mind.

That's right... Sharpner said he saw those two being intimate.

"He said that something is going on with them. Almost as if they're an item." Erasa closes her locker with a disappointed look on her face.

We head to our class and continued talking there.

"Do you think it's true, Videl?" Erasa asks.

"I don't know."

I notice that neither Tania nor Gohan was in the classroom once the bell rings. Sharpner had just barely made it in time, saw what I noticed, and purposely walked his way over my way.

"Did you see them two, Shapner?" I question once he got into range.

He frowned, "No..."

The blonde then leaned closer, "Who knows, Videl... Maybe their making out somewhere in the halls."

"Oh, shut up." I wave my hand to signal him to head to his seat far away from me.

"You know it might be true, Videl." He says as he leaves.


Not too long after, the teacher walked in and began taking attendance. He asked if any of us saw or near where the cousins were at.

"Who knows..." Ren speaks up, "They might be late for all eternity."

"Don't be ridiculous, young man." Mr. Crater replies, "Those two are a couple of my best students. Something must've come up for them not to show up."

"I bet." Ren snickers.

I turn around and felt the strangest sensation when I looked at that kid. Something felt weird...

Ren catches my stare and smiles, "Something the matter?"

"Huh?" I get caught off guard, "No, nothing's wrong. Sorry for that."

"No need to apologize."

I turn to the front and bite my nail.

Why do I feel like something strange is going on? Lastly, could Sharpner said about Gohan and Tania be true? I know  I found it sorta suspicious whenever it looked like Tania was staring at Gohan, but she always said that she was only enjoying the scenery outside. I mean, yes the view is great and it's believable that she was looking at it, but still... that smile and look in her eyes whenever she did seemed to tell a whole other story. Hmm...

A/N: Thanks for reading everyone!!! I appreciate all your patience! Please comment and vote. See ya!

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