Muggle Born

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"Oi! Wake up, you're late" I heard someone yell, shaking me with all their might. 

Rolling over, I shooed them away with a swipe of my hand. 

"Aguamenti" They stated. 

Water splashed everywhere and I squealed as the cold liquid soaked me. I opened my now drenched eyeslids and frowned at a giggling Fred. 

"Fred, im going to hex you into next week!" I screamed, jumping up from the couch attempting to run after him. 

My legs, why weren't they moving. Trying to pick my feet up, they were motionless. 

"Portable Cement" He sang, walking out the door. 

Standing there, makeup running down my face, hair sticking to my skin along with my soaked clothes, I started to shiver. 

After 10 minutes of screaming for help, my teeth were beginning to chatter. 

Hearing footsteps outside the portrite, I yelled.

Bursting the door open, George and Lee ran in. 

"Thhhh-aa-nnnn-kk G-oooo-dddddd" I stammered. 

At the first sight of me soaked to the bone and a dripping mess, Lee burst out laughing. Letting him have his chuckled, I looked at George who was surprisingly, worried. 

A well done prank and George doesn't find it brilliantly hillarious. Someone must have gotten his wand in a knot already today. 

"Blakely, your lips are blue" George said looking down at me as he brushed his thumb across them. 

Keeping his hand on my cheek, it sent shiver down my spine. 

I might as well just accept the fact that I had a small crush on George. Which was fine with me because crushes could be easily, crushed. 

"Cccccccccccc0ollllddddddddd" I mummbled. 

"Oh right" Pulling off his robe, he wrapped it around me "Portable quick sand?" 

Nodding, he pulled his wand out and recited the extermination spell. 

Feeling my toes again, I ran and hugged George right around the waist. 

"So warm" I mummbled into his chest. 

Chuckling, he grabbed my hair into a sloppy poney tail and rang all the water out. 

"He is dead meat" George mummbled, letting the last of the water drip down.

The clock struck noon and I jolted out of George's arms. 

"We are going to be so late!" I exclaimed, running up the stairs. 

Grabbing a quick hot shower and applying a little make up, I changed into a a simple dress and heels.

Carrying my shoes in my hands, I skipped down the steps. 

"You fancy her don't you mate?" I heard Lee snicker. 

I stopped immeditaly and hid along the stone wall. George fancied a girl? I wondered who it could be, he swore he always told me everything. 

"Blakely? No, no, we have always been good friendsd" George stated. 

HA! George fancing me, that's a riot. 

"I don't see why not she's one fit beauty" Lee said. 

Hearing a smack, George hissed at Lee, "Don't talk about Blakely like that" 

"Sure, ok, you don't fancy her" sarcasum was thick in Lee's tone and I heard a third voice join the rest. 

"If you didn't make it so bloody obvious that you fancied her, I would have snatched that attractive little thing up a long time ago" Fred stated. 

Things Change (A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now