2.5 ~ forgive and forget

173 11 7

Katies POV

The 4 boys stared at me, their mouths open, as if they weren't expecting me to be here.

That, or the fact that my natural hair had once again been put to rest in a new rebellion, and was now ranged from purple at the top, to a baby pink at the bottom.

"Katie?" Calum said, stepping forward.

"Brilliant, Cal, you're a genius. Love your work." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes playfully at him.

He walked towards me, pulling me into a tight hug, which I did not return.

"Katie, what's wrong?" He asks, a pout forming on his lips.

"You can't just come here and expect me to fall back into your arms. You hurt me. All of you." I say, folding my arms at them.

The other boys walked forward and stood in a line with Calum, all seeming to look hurt.

"Okay, you're pissed. I get it. But, we came back to make things right. Katie, I know you hate my guts, but please can we go somewhere private and talk shit out? I think we owe it to each other." Michael says, extending his hand to me.

I thought about it, before deciding to humour myself and hear him try to explain himself.

"Okay, blondie. Sure thing. But on one condition." I say, shaking his hand, and looking him directly in the eye. 

"And that is?"

"I get to choose where we go."

He agrees and watches me step into the water, I raise my eyebrow at him, waiting for him to catch the hint.

His eyes widen, and his holds a finger up at me indicating to wait a second. 

He comes back from where I assume is the car with a surfboard.

He takes his shoes and shirt off and joins me in the water.

I look back at the other 3 boy, 2 of which have taken a seat in the sand.

But a blue eyed blonde was walking away, yet again.

~ ~ ~ 

A little while later, Michael had paddled along with me to the island I had met Rose, Scarlet and Aqua on, which I had now learned was named Kings, after my father island, and was a frequent place my parents visited. 

"Can we take... a quick... rest...?" Michael pants, obviously and understandably tired form paddling for the past 45 minutes.

I laugh at him as I heave myself onto the shore, waiting for my tail to transform back into legs.

"Okay so, Michael, start talking." I say, looking at my tail nervously, total personality change, I know.

"Okay..." he says, a deep breath following afterwards.

"I was basically manstrating, you know, I was so tired of and from everything. Shows every night really took it out of me and the constant traveling fucked with my sleeping pattern, and I was constantly tired and grumpy." He says, his eyes awkwardly trailing up and down my tail, since it was only the second time he's really seen it. 

"Finding out everyone but me knew you were a... mermaid, really hurt me-" he continues before I cut him off.

"YOU WERE HURT? HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT, YOU CUT ME OUT OF THE ENTIRE GROUP! I wasn't allowed to drive in the same van with you guys, I wasn't allowed to eat dinner with you guys, I wasn't allowed to come into your room and get smashed with you guys, Michael, you totally cut me off."

"I was trying to make you feel how I felt when I found out! I felt so left out, excluded and unwanted. EVERYONE  in the band knew but me, Katie! I wanted you to feel how I felt!" He shouted back at me.

 I stared back at him, my mouth agape. He had a point, it's not a justifying excuse, but I saw where he was coming from, I mentally put myself in his shoes, and imagined how he would've felt.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay?" He repeats, confused.

"Okay, I don't agree with it but I understand it." I half mumble, looking him in the eye.

Unlike earlier, I studied his eyes, noticing how bloodshot they were, they were their usual light greeny blue, they were a dark green, almost black.

"So you forgive me?" He asks hopefully.

"Not quite." his shoulders slumped and he had a pout re appear on his face.

"Mikey, you sent me a photo of Luke kissing that girl, less than 5 minutes after he dumped me. You called me a bitch. You turned my 2 newest friends against me. You totally forgave them for hiding but you couldn't do the same to me? I meant it when I said I couldn't ever hate you. But you made me so fucking sad. When I finally got home, it no longer felt like home. My 4 best friends hated me, I felt so out of place back in Sydney. So I moved to Atlantica. The only 2 people I really knew from there were back on the land, it was a clean slate. But it didn't make me happy. A huge chunk of me went missing the night you found out, and then I lost 3 other chunks when I was forced onto a plane and away from you guys." I say, a tear slowly falling down my cheek.

"I'm so so sorry Katie, I never wanted you to leave the tour, when I woke up and read the message you sent me, and then what I had sent you that night, I knew right away I fucked up, I replied to your message once you had gotten back to Sydney, but I guess you never read it. And as for finding out, it hurt that my best friend for several years couldn't tell me she had a fucking tail.I didnt care about them hiding it from me because they werent you. I've always told you everything,  but you couldnt tell me that? But that reminds me of why we came back early. Katie." He says, seriously.

"Rose and Aqua have been kidnapped. they left behind a note that said:

"You think you won,

Well think again.

We are always one step ahead.

We watched as poor Princess Katie boarded the plane, and we knew it was time to strike.

You can say bye to Aqua and Rose for now, or for ever. You'll find out.

If we were you, I'd keep a close eye on Tori, she's hiding something from you guys.

Scar xo"

I stared at Michael, my mouth hanging open.

"Mikey, do you trust me?"

"Of course, why?"

"We're going to pay a trip to my mum."

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