2.2 Be alright

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(i forgot what the date is in the book and where they are right now woops sorry guys pls forgive me and my tackiness)

Katies POV

A week later and Michael still refuses to talk to me, which would bother me a lot less if he weren't so forgiving towards Cal. 

Yeah, him and Cal are all "buddy buddy" again, he forgave Cal like 2 minutes after Cal explained shit to him, and he still refuses to talk to me, which really pisses me off, considering Cals been a merman since FOREVER, I've only been a mermaid since my birthday, whoop dee-doo Mike, get over it.

All the boys were being kind of stand-offish, even Luke. Mikes the only one who has a realish excuse to be mad at me, what have I done to the other 3?

The boys were out in a concert right now, Rose, Tori and Aqua all wanted to watch from the wings of the stage, but I didnt feel welcome there.

I'm sitting in their dressing room on one of their couches, holding a guitar I found in the corner of the room, strumming a few chords aimlessly as I hummed along to "Be Alright" by Justin Bieber.

"Through the storm and through the clouds, bumps in the road and upside down." I sang softly, plucking the strings melodically, not noticing as a tear slipped out of my eye.

I wanted to go home. I want to go see my mum, Ronny, Liana and Max, my little sister Elizabeth, but I know if I leave I'm putting either myself or them all in danger.

We're safer in our group of 3, Rose, Aqua and I, we have each others back, and I know they dont want to leave, they love the land.

"Everythings gonna be alr-"

"Can you like, not touch my guitar thanks." Michael says, cutting me off and snatching the guitar out of my hands.

"Aren't you supposed to be on stage?" I ask.

"My guitars broken or some shit so I needed my spare, anyway im out." He says, storming out and slamming the door.

I curl up on the edge of the couch and sob into my hands, I've made a royal mess of everything.

~ End of concert ~

I guess I cried myself to sleep, because I woke up to a lot of screaming when the 7 of them walked into the room.

Well, actually 8.

Michael walked in first with Aqua under his arm, great, another person he's forgiven.

Then Calum walked into, talking about how great the show was with Rose.

Then Ash and Tori, talking about drumming techniques, since Tori was a drummer as well.

And then Luke. 

And this absolutely stunning girl, who I didn't know existed.

Everyone walked in and disregarded my presence at first, then slowly everyone began making eye contact with me and then scattered to a different area of the room, where they all sat down together.

I roll my eyes out of frustration.

"Fine, you guys want me to leave you alone? So be it. Have a fucking great time. Assholes." I angrily say to them, walking to the door and slamming it shut behind me.

As soon as I shut it, I slid down it on the other side, knowing no one was coming after me.

"What's up buttercup?" The very distinct accent of Louis Tomlinson says from above me.

I look up at him and smile softly at him.

"Nothing much, Lou, sorry we had to forfeit the prank wars." I softly giggle to myself.

"It's alright, lovey, Harry's team won, somehow, I dont know how. Anything bothering you?" He asks, squatting down next to me.

"No, I'm alright, just feeling sick." I lie fluently.

"Oh, is it shark week?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Shark what?" I laugh back.

"Shark week, you know, the crimson wave, satan's annual monthly crucifying of the uterus, time of the mo-"

"Okay Lou, I get it, and yeah, I'm just gonna go walk to the store and get some tablets, I wont be too long. Is the concert over?" Lou nods back at me and waves good bye, disappearing back to 1D's dressing room.

I found the exit quickly and walk outside, feeling the crispy air hit my skin.

I look at my phone.


no texts

no calls

 I walk around the front of the arena, when a few fans spot me and walk over.

"Katie! Hi! I'm Olivia!" One, very enthusiastic girl says, hugging me.

"Hey Olivia, nice to meet you all, did you have a good night tonight guys?" I smile at them.

"Yeah! It was AMAZING! All the boys were just perfect and I cannot even deal. Like literally can't even right now." Another one says, pretending to faint into her friends arms.

"Alright, glad you guys had fun! I gotta run, stay safe girls, whens your ride getting here?" I ask, there were only around 5 of them left waiting.

"Not for another 1/2 hour, but thats alright. Lovely meeting you-"

"I can stay for 1/2 an hour, so, whats going on in everyones life?!" I enthusiastically say, sitting down with the group of girls and a boy named James, taking selfies with them, talking about their lives and stuff.


When the ride came around 35 minutes later, I was admittedly disappointed, it was so fun to talk to them.

I followed all of them on twitter and posted the photo of us all on twitter.

"Had the best night with these guys! Glad you enjoyed your concert girlies & James!"

I pressed tweet and walked back to the door I came out of, just in time to be herded into the limo back to the hotel room.

"Theres already 8 of us in this limo, Benny, she's going to have to go in 1D's limo or in one of the vans." I hear Mike say to the crew manager.

"I'll put her in the van. See you guys back there." He replies with.




feeling generous

Love u all xx

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