Part 37

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Chapter 37

Colin’s smile faltered as he looked down on her.  Was she jesting?  She wanted another person to stay with them, another person to interrupt them at the most inappropriate times?  Looking into her eyes, he did the only thing he could do.

“Does he have too?”

Her mouth opened in surprise as if she did not expect him to say anything other than yes.  While someone else in the room let out a chuckle.  Glancing up, Colin watched as the King clutched his stomach and laughed.

“You are perfect for each other,” the man gasped out while shaking his head.  “Any other man would nod and smile, but you question our Cassie.”

Colin smiled at him.  “She may act as if getting her way is what she wants, but deep down, she enjoys arguing with me.”

“That is not true,” Cassie said with a tiny smile on her face. 

Glancing at the other people in the room, he studied their expressions.  Peirce looked indifferent to the outcome while Cooper was making faces at no one in particular.  Colin shook his head at the lad.  Who taught him that?  Shrugging, he considered the last person in the room.  Will shifted uneasily on his feet, but kept his expression blank. The man was worried.  Colin smiled; it was time for a little revenge.

“I do not think that would be wise,” Colin said to the group of people. 

Everyone froze and stared at him.  Not only was Colin telling Cassie no, but he was telling the Prince no also.  It was not a thing people did often. 

“Why?” Will asked after clearing his throat.

Colin shrugged.  “I need to focus on Cassandra’s safety, not Will’s need to cause trouble.”

Cassie must have caught on to what he was doing because she turned and pressed her face into his chest.  Colin tightened his grip and sent Will an apologetic smile.  “I hope you understand.  My family’s safety is the most important thing in my life.”

Will gave him a pained look before admitting, “I was jesting with you.  Cassie and I have never and will never be involved in a romantic sense.  I love her, but as sibling not as a wife.”

“I am sorry, I do not know you; therefore, your word does not hold much power,” Colin said while turning his back to the group.  Pulling Cassie along with him, he exited the dining room.  He rounded a corner and stopped in the foyer.  He let a chuckle escape as Cassie pushed herself away from him.  Colin began to protest, but when she grabbed his hand and led him towards the stairs, he kept his mouth shut and followed.

They jogged up the stairs and passed the doors until she stopped in front of their chamber.  She dropped his hand as the door opened.  He stood there and watched as flung herself onto the bed and rolled to her side.  Laughter rained out.

“How long are you going to keep him worrying?”

He walked into the room and closed the door shut behind him.  Walking towards the bed, he plopped himself down on the corner.  “He deserves the distress.”

She smiled at him.  “It is something he does to all my suitors.”

“I am not a suitor,” he told her while lying down on his back.

Her hand curled around his waist as she pulled herself towards him.  “No, you are the man I love, which means you hold more power over me than any man ever has.  Will knows that, and he would do anything to make sure I stay safe.”

“Is that why he wants to stay?” he asked while pulling her closer.  Her head settled on his chest while his arm wrapped around her.

“Yes, and it would be a good idea for him to stay,” she replied.

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