Part 35

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Chapter 35

Cassandra blinked to make sure the image in front of her was real.  Standing there, was the man who she had thought she would never see unless she traveled back home.  She had never thought he would come this far for her seeing as he had more important endeavors to worry upon.  Glancing over at Colin, she realized that her husband already had his head bowed down. 

Planting right foot behind her left, she bent slightly at the knee and bowed her head.  “You’re Majesty.”

“What are you doing?” he asked with laughter in his voice.  “Come here, quickly.”

She stood to her full height.  Looking at Colin once more, she sent him a small smile before dropping his hand and taking off towards the King.  Large arms wrapped around her as the King crushed her to him.  “I have missed you, Cassie.  You may have only been gone for a short time, but you are like my daughter.  I do not know how your father does it.”

Pulling back, she smiled at him before asking, “Where is my father?  I expected him to bring the Calvary, but I do not see him at all.”

The King’s warm brown eyes shined with mischief.  “I sent him on a tiny errand before he could come.  I only thought of your well-being.  As soon as the man shows up, he will take all of your time.”

“Was that truly why?” she asked while raising an eyebrow.  “Or did you not want to share?”

“You know me too well,“ he replied.  His eyes turned serious as he glanced from her to Colin.  “The man, how does he treat you?”

“Like a Princess.”

“As he very well should.  Are you sure you do not want me to find you a suitable husband?  One with wealth to keep you satisfied?”

She shook her head at him.  “Would you rather me live a loveless life and be rich or one overflowing with love and no money?”

“Do not be silly,” he admonished, “you could have both.”

“I do not need both.  I am fine.  I love it here.  I love being here, and I love the people here.”

He smiled down at her.  “You fell in love with you husband?  Only you could completely ruin our plans by doing something that absurd.  Your father will not like it.  You know he will only attempt to draw you away from here.”

Cassandra sent him her own mischievous smile.  “That is where you come in.”

“You have a plan, my dear?”

“Always, only if you will run interference.”

He searched her eyes for something.  “You are sure this is what you want?  You want to stay here for the rest of your life?”

“I have never been more positive in my life,” she replied with a nod.

“Good.  Now, I think my wife is angry at me for talking to you when it should be her doing all of the talking.  Go greet your Queen before she kidnaps you herself.”

Letting out a laugh, she nodded.  She grabbed the bottom of her dress and turned towards the woman.  Her foot was tapping impatiently, but a large smile adjourned her lips.  Cassandra was not fooled.  The woman could not be cold if she wished.  Sure, the Queen knew how to mask her expressions, but Cassandra had learned long ago that the woman had a heart of gold.

“Quickly, before I lose patience,” the Queen called out causing Cassandra to fasten her steps.

As soon as she was in touching distance, the Queen reached out and pulled her towards him.  “Please come home?  William will not even visit any longer.  He said that now that his oldest friend is gone, there is no reason to stay.”

“You are jesting, and I know it,” Cassandra replied with a laugh.  “Where is that old blackguard?”

Someone tapped on her shoulder.  “Behind you, my lady, and I would advise you not to speak of royalty in that way.”

“Oh, hush up,” she whispered while turning towards him.  Will smiled down at her.  His green eyes showed the brotherly love he felt for her.

“You missed me the most did you not?”

She slapped him on the shoulder.  “I have only been gone for a little while, and you think I would miss you?  I would have you know that I have not thought about you once.”

“Really?” he asked while tugging on one of her loose curls.  “What have you been doing here?  Just look at you, your clothes are dirty, your hair is a complete mess, and I am sure that you have dust on your nose.”

Reaching up, he swiped a finger across her nose and looked at it with fake distaste.  “Yes, that has to be dust.  What do they have you doing?”

“I cleaned,” she said proudly.

He threw an arm around her shoulder and began walking her towards Colin and Cooper.  “Did you now?  I have to say, it comes as a surprise that you did anything that may get you dirty.”

“You know me better than that,” she replied while rolling her eyes.  “The dirt has never been a problem.”

“No it has not.  Tell me this, why is that man glaring at me so?” he whispered in humor.

Cassandra glanced at Colin.  Her husband had a fierce glare on his face.  Following it, she realized it was directed at Will.  What could Colin be angry at this time?

Colin watched as Cassie laughed with the man.  He did not know who the man was, but the familiarity was not something that Colin liked.  Furthermore, the man had blonde hair.  Cassie had just said that she did not like men with black hair.  Was this one of her suitors before she moved here?  The way the man smiled down at her adoringly left no illusion.  The two were close.

They came closer to him, each wearing large grins.  Cassie took a step away from the man to stand at Colin’s side.  Colin sent him a smug grin, but the man just looked at him confused.  Slowly, the man seemed to catch on and smirked.  “Cassie, love, introduce me to this man.”

“William, this is Colin.  Colin, this is Prince William.”

Colin wanted to roll his eyes at the use of title, but refrained.  Acting like a child would get him nowhere.  Holding his hand out, he said, “Nice to meet you Prince William.”

“Nice to meet you, and call me Will; Cassie does.”

William gripped his hand tightly.  Colin tightened his own grip.  He would not be outdone by this man.  He was Cassie’s husband; therefore, he had already won the prize.  This man was no competition, but Colin could not help the surge of satisfaction he felt when the man pulled away first. 

Cassie looked between the two of them with narrowed eyes.  “Will, none of that.”

The man turned to Cassie and smiled sheepishly.  “I do not know what you mean, love.  I was simply shaking hands with the man.”

“The man is my husband, and you will not give him a hard time.”

“Aw, Cassie, you know I did not mean any harm,” Will said while reaching out and pulling her into a hug.  Over her shoulder, the man sent him a wicked grin and winked.

Colin gritted his teeth together and fought the urge to pull her away from him.  The man was goading him.  Colin should not let him win by showing any reaction.  Cassie pulled away, and Colin smiled when he saw that her eyes still held suspicion.  Reaching over, she grabbed Colin’s hand.  “Come, we will show you to your rooms.  I am sure you are tired from such a long journey.”

“Where are you staying?” Will asked.  “Would it not be fun to sleep in the same bed as we used too?”

She let out a laugh.  “That would be fun.”  Colin blinked in rage.  Why was his wife sleeping with another man?  He opened his mouth to ask when Cassie continued, “If we were children once more.  That was a happy time, was it not?”

“It was, my love.  How would you like to relive it?”

The man was lucky Colin had his hands full, if Cooper and Cassie were not there, Colin would have shown Will just how much he hated that idea.

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