Start of Something New

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Chapter 10

Branches whipped at his face, as Colin ran blindly through the forest. He knew the direction of the scream and the river, so he had taken off in that direction. The thought to follow down the trail never crossed his mind. He pushed himself harder. Whatever it was that was wrong with Cassie, he just hoped it wasn't life threatening.

He could hear the water and let out a sigh of relief. Only a few more minutes, and he would be on shore. He would be near Cassie. The last few branches scraped at his body as if they were trying to keep him from escaping. Heaving, he managed to get his body out of the grasp of branches that had somehow found a way to entrap him.

Colin lifted his gaze from the tree limbs, and it immediately fell on the man. Whoever it was, he was standing with his back towards the river. Red tinged the man's cheeks. It was quite obvious he was embarrassed. Colin couldn't make out his features. The man's brown hair fell in such a conspicuous way that it hid every part of his face in shadows.

Clearing his throat, Colin watched as the man snapped his head towards him. With surprise, Colin noted that what he had originally thought of as a man was little over a lad. The boy couldn't be very old. While his body had hinted he was a man, when Colin looked closer, he realized that the boy still had more to grow.

"What are you doing here?" Colin growled trying to intimidate him.

It seemed to work as the lad took a step back. "I'm sorry, my lord. If I had known that Lady Ashmore was in the river, I would not have come out the woods."

"Lady Moore, now," Colin corrected absentmindedly. "What do you mean you would not have come out the woods? And your name?"

The lad's spine straightened out. "Ramsey, and I was keeping watch on my lady."

Colin's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean your lady?"

"I am her humble servant," Ramsey said with pride.

Colin looked at the lad, and finally took in his attire. Whoever Ramsey was, the lad sure didn't come from a poor family. The clothes the lad wore were more expensive than anything Colin had in his wardrobe.

"Can you both please be gone?" a voice called out.

Colin's eyes turned towards the river. The only thing he could see was Cassie's head poking out from the water. Her hair was plastered to her face. Colin had never seen her look so stunning. She looked like one of the fabled creatures he had read about. Someone cleared their throat, drawing his attention away from the exquisite sight before him.

"You look like a love sick pup, Colin. Snap out of it before Cassandra freezes to death."

He listened to Peirce's admonishment, and he turned his back completely. Taking a quick glance to his left and right, he noticed that both Peirce and Ramsey were facing in the same direction as him. Something bumped his leg causing him to look down. Cooper stood there with boredom on his face. The boy kept shifting from foot to foot in obvious discomfort.

Looking down on the lad, he got an idea. Turning, he caught sight of her bare back as she lifted her clothing in place. He almost forgot the words he was going to say. Clearing his throat, he tried again, "Do you think you could give the lad a bath?"

Cassie turned quickly and stumbled. Pain crossed her face and her eyes filled with tears. Colin closed the distance faster than he thought possible. He watched as she backed away from him. Regret coursed through him. If only they had met under different circumstances, he may have had the chance to court her, to make her believe that he cared.Now she was wound so tight that Colin knew that it would take a lot of work to get her to trust him.

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