Part 24

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Chapter 24

Cassandra stayed still as she listened to Colin rummage around in his wardrobe.  She could not believe the man admitted his feelings.  She had told him just yesterday that her thoughts about him were changing, and now he admits he feels the same.  Should she make him aware that she was, in fact, not asleep?  She couldn't do that.  She did not want to betray his trust.  The man had thought she was sleeping.  If she was awake, mayhap he would not have said what he did.

The bedchamber door eased closed, and she let out a sigh of relief.  Cooper opened his eyes and looked at her with a tiny smile. "Does he love us?" he asked.

She nodded her head at him. "Yes, I think he might."

Cooper scooted up into a sitting position.  Looking down on Cassandra, he said, "I love you, Mum."

"I love you too, son," she said while ruffling his blonde hair.

The lad smiled at her as she pulled her hand away.  She could feel the grime on him, which signaled one thing; the boy needed to bathe.  Stretching her legs out, she lowered herself to the ground.  She stepped towards the door before looking behind her.

"Would you like me to help get your clothing?" she asked Cooper.

The boy shook his head at her. "Nay."

The corner of her mouth rose in a half smile while her heart clenched in her chest.  She hadn't even had the lad for long, and already, he wanted to do things on his own.

"I shall be gathering things to bathe with while you find some suitable clothing.  Does that sound fine?"

"Aye, Mum," Cooper said as he slid to the ground.  His feet made small patting noises as they connected with the floor.  The tiny grimace he had on his face showed her what she already knew.  His wounds had not healed completely.  Hers had not either, but the pain was easy to tolerate.  She did not want Cooper feeling any pain that she deemed unnecessary.

It wasn't until the boy was walking out the door that a thought entered her mind.  "Do you have any clothing?"

"He does," a voice said.  "I got it for him that first day at the village."

She looked up at Peirce.  "You show up at the most odd times."

"Why, thank you, Madam," he said while bowing his head.

Letting out a laugh, she stepped around him only to find herself slammed up against another body.  As she rose her eyes up, she let out a groan.  Ramsey's face showed the determination that was well known in her family.  It meant that he had an idea in his mind, and no matter what, he was sticking with it.

"What is it this time, cousin?" she asked in frustration while stepping back.

"I will stay with you no matter where you go.  I heard about the incident; I promised your father I would take care of you, and I will not go back on that promise."

She slapped him on the shoulder. "You are far too serious.  The 'incident' as you so dreadfully put it, was minor.  It's not even a nick, nothing to worry upon."

"My favorite cousin was hurt, and you believe it is nothing to worry about?  I am sorry, but I find that very bothersome.  From now on, I will be with you at all times," Ramsey stated with a stubborn expression.

"Fine," she said with a sigh, "but Cooper and I are going to the river for a quick wash.  I hardly think you want to come with us."

"Think again," he told her.  "I will go with you."

Her eyes narrowed at him, but seeing his expression, she knew that there was no way to get out of it.  Ramsey would be following her where ever she went.  A smile crossed her mouth.  Her cousin just asked for more than he bargained for.

The smile stayed on her lips as she entered her chamber.  Was it her chamber when she didn't stay in it?  Was it hers when she planned on never sleeping in it again?  She would not be so presumptuous as to move her belongings to Colin's chamber, but she felt as if this was more of a storage room than anything. 

Lifting the lid of her trunk, she scooped up everything she would need.  She did not even hesitate to look at the items she picked.  Her mind was too preoccupied with plans.  These particular plans featured all sorts of animals she knew her cousin was not fond of.  She could not wait.

The door opened making her glance up.  Standing there with a tray was Peirce.  He sent her a smile as he waltzed into her room and placed the tray on a nearby table.

"You should eat before you go on all your adventures," he told her. "You never know when you may get shot at again."

She sent him a mock glare as she walked towards the small table.  "I would have you know that that is the second time I have been shot at."

He chuckled at her while grabbing a piece sausage from the plate.  Cassandra slapped at his hand.  As soon as the food began its decent, she snatched it and shoved it into her mouth.  Peirce's chuckle turned into an amused look.

"Will you tell me about this other time?" he asked. "You may finish eating of course."

Giving him a closed mouth smile, she nodded. She swallowed the food in her mouth before saying, "We were traveling, my father and I.  As we got further away from London and closer to here, the streets became more frightening and the alleys darker."

Seeing his glare, she amended, "This was miles before here.  The people here are quite friendly.  The only problem they have is in the bathing area.  Now, where was I? Yes, I remember now.  We were traveling to Eskdale, and out of nowhere highwaymen stopped our carriage."

"They came out of nowhere," Peirce asked in disbelief.

She nodded in reassurance.  "It was not as if we could see them without staring out of the window the entire ride."

"Aye, please continue," he agreed.

"They each had small pistols in their hands.  Now, if I was telling this story to someone else, I would boast that there were a dozen of them, but there were only two.  You see, my father had taught me a thing or two about protecting myself, and I thought that the odds were in our favor.  We had Jeffery, my father, and I, but there were only two of them," she stated while holding up her fingers in the correct number.

Peirce leaned against the wall and nodded for her to continue.  "The first one pressed the pistol to my temple and demanded my locket.  If the silly man would have asked for anything else, I would have given it to him.  Instead, I kneed him where it hurt the worst."

Peirce looked down his body before taking a step away from her.  "What happened after that?"

"After that his partner in crime must have thought that I was a threat because he shot at me," she told him. "Now, that is the first time I had ever been shot at."

Peirce stared at her with a questioning expression on her face.  Once he realized that she was done telling her story, he let out a frustrated sigh. "What happened to the two men?"

"I will tell you under one condition," she stated with a calculating smile.

Peirce's eyes narrowed at her. "What condition?"

"You help me make Ramsey's life miserable for today," she replied.

"Just today?" he asked.  Seeing her nod, he continued, "Deal.  Now, tell me what happened to the highwaymen."

"My father took offense that the man was shooting at his only child; therefore, my father shot back at the man.   Let's just end the story by saying that the poor man will never walk the same again."

***Cover by Little_ifrit***

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