"God isnt fixing this ":chapter 23

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There are several points I am about to make here, so sit tight and buckle up!

Recently with the shootings in California, there has been so many debates going on, stating whether or not we should have gun control or not. Well let me just say this, do guns kill people or do people kill people ?, because in that case you might as well ban cars, knives, chemicals, pretty much everything. You take away guns, you think that's gonna stop the killings? No.

Terrorism, what is terrorism? Terrorism  is the use of violence and terror in someone else's life, it doesn't really have to be political. Anyone can be a terrorist, not just ISIS. I am an okie born and raised, I can tell you that, that bombing that happened because of Timothy Mcveigh was a terrorist act; he put terror in a lot of lives worldwide. Americans can be terrorist too.

In a article I read today, it simply stated that God isn't fixing the problems of this world, also yesterday I asked my youth pastor if i was crazy to think that the world would get better and the answer to that is, there will always be sin. So yes the world could get better in some ways, but ultimately it's a self destructive world. Now I'm not saying all, but why is it that some call on God when terror arises, but don't acknowledge Him in any other time of their lives. Just like that, that man from the article turned away from God; shaming prayer, because people actually do believe in the power of prayer and of God. God has the right through righteousness to have mercy on some people and some not, to help those who seek Him. God has the right to release His wrath on us, because our God is a jealous, powerful God. God has the power to fix it, so God's not the problem. Faith is key, I do believe God is going to move and that He's working right now! Accept Him, don't turn away  America.

Tbh when I saw the headline  of the article, I cried. I cried for God 😩❤️

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