Some pretty awesome people: chapter 20

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It's always good to have friends in Christ or even a mentor, because it's good to be praying for each other, keeping each other accountable in your daily walk with God, and just a good talk in general about your life. I have so many good friends that I easily go to if I'm struggling with something and I ask them to pray for me. I can talk to them about what's been stressing me out or how good my day was. Keep each others spirits up! First and For most go to God first, always , always! Cast all your cares on Him. He's the real solution to everything. So back to friends, it's good to help build each other up, give advice, and be there for each other. Even if some of your friends aren't Christians, you can still give them Godly advice, be there for them and spread positive vibes. I'm not saying your friendships are always going to be peachy, but in that time when things are in a funky state, go to God. Just like any relationship God should be the center of it. Thank God for those awesome people in your life!
If you feel like you don't have any friends or anyone to talk to, go to God literally just talk to Him, I promise He's listening.

Sometimes friendships in Christ can go south. Recently me and by best friends Hannah have been taking sometime always from each other, because we're both not happy with one another. The fact that we don't live close to each other, really hinders our friendship; because we can't really hang much. The both of us realize that, we have some growing to do and that God has different plans for each of our lives. Even through our breaks, I still pray the best for her and I know she's struggling with a lot at this time and I hope that I can have my best friend back someday. In other news, tonight I witnessed one of my younger friends give her life to God, and it's truly an amazing experience, it's a feeling I can never going to forget.

Also should I make this book into a real book ??? Answer in messages!! God loves you❤️

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