Talks and vents: chapter 17

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Sometimes you just need to talk to God about everything, even though He already knows and you need to get it off your chest; just do it! You might end up upset but you'll feel better. Whatever you tell God, ask Him for guidance. If you need to repent, do it. Then tell Him your trying to be better and that it's hard, but your fixing the broken spots one at a time.  Because we're all broken and have fallen short of the glory of God. God knows you're trying and that's all He asks for, get into His word, know it, live it! I have trouble living by the word too, your not alone. If your going through anything you can message me
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There's something I've seen this past few months, I know a few people that died this month and last, but I also know a lot of young moms that are now pregnant. A life is something beautiful, I'm not gonna get on their case, for bringing a gift into this world! Something good came out of it, God takes them and brings them! P.s I love babies 😊

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