Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up to sunlight hitting against my eyelids. My head thorbbed. What happened? I try to remember but it is all a blacked out blur. I was still wearing clothes, but I was in bed. I look up, trying to see the color of curtains. Red and Gold. Gryffindor. I peek through my hair. I was in the girls dormitory. Nobody else was in here, and it looked as if the beds hadn't been touched.

I put my feet onto the cold hardwood floor.  I push back the covers and I tiptoe out of the room and down to the Common Room. I see now why no one made it to bed. They were all sleeping, passed out, or so drunk they didn't or couldn't move. I hold back a loud laugh. I stumble across the room and down to the Great Hall. Apparently, every house had celebrated because there were only a few people eating. There was one person at the Gryffindor tabel; Hermione.

I nervously approach her. She looks over the edge of her thick book and smiles. She smiled... at me! This was dandy. I sit down across from her. She slowly puts her book down. 

"I have someone to introduce to you," Hermione announces.


"Jessie! OI! JESSIE!"

A short girl with a round, heart-shaped face pranced over. Her blonde hair bobbed in a high pony-tail and her emerald green eyes sparkled. She was....beautiful, and I suddenly felt very shabby.

" Zis mus' be ze Rose you were me about," She said to Hermione, her thick French accent highly noticable.

"Yes. Jessie, this is Rose," Hermione says.

" 'Ow do you do?"

She held out a small hand. I shake it.

"I'm fine, thank-you. How are you?"

" I'm very well."

She sat down and started to dish up very small proportions of food. Talk about being parinoid. She was stick skinny, and her plate wasn't even three-quarters full!

"Hey guys," Harry says tiredly, sitting down and kissing me on the cheek. Jessie narrows her eyes jealously. Hmmm...that's odd. I shrug. It was probably nothing..or was it? Harry finishes eating and gets up to leave, but not before planting a kiss on my forehead.

As soon as he was out of earshot, I glare at Jessie.

"Is he your boyfriend," She asks.

"Yes. He is," I growl.

Her eyes narrowed in a evil-catish way. Uh-oh. Not good!

"Well, not for long."

She gets up and prances away, going towards Harry. Oh, crap! We'd just made up and now I was going to have to get mad at him...again.

She tapped him on the shoulder and kissed him  on the lips as he turned around. Oh. No. She. Didn't!

"Will you go out with me," She said in a high, girly voice.

He nodded.

"Then you'll have to break up with," She glared in my direction, "her.'

He nodded and walked over to me. This couldn't be happening. This really couldn't. But it was, he was approaching, and I braced myself.

"Rose, I hate you. This is where we end."

I feel  my heart drop to my stomach. I feel faint. He really couldn't have just done that. Really. He didn't..did he? he must've because he was now walking away from me, hand in hand with Jessie.


Buahaha! I am so evil! But really, I couldn't make this much longer. I am at the library typing this because we just moved, and I have no acess to the internet otherwise. It was a miracle I uploaded today, be proud! :D I hope you like it and don't beat me to a pulp with your angry comments(With yes, I would really love if you would comment) but I have to go now. Tata:D

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