Chapter 14

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"Klaus..." I said surprised.

"In the flesh, well not really," he said.

"How did you do it anyway?" I asked.

"I know a few tricks," he said. "How did you survive the years? Hmm. Vampirism? Witch friend?" He asked.

"I also know a few tricks," I said. He walked around his desk and stood in front of me. He then leaned in and kissed me. I pushed him away!

"It really is you then," he said kinda disappointed but relieved. "Nothings changed" he confirmed.

"And it won't change," I said. He chuckled.

"Do you remember the night we met?" He asked.

"That was so long ago" I played a long.

"Yeah, but just about everything after that is just... Gone" I said.

"Nothing?" He asked.

"No, it's just gone," I explained. He went into thought. I looked at the time. "Hey, I had a great reunion with you. I'm so glad there's a familiar face in town now," I said, but he wasn't willing to let me leave, I could see it in his eyes. I grabbed a piece of paper from my notes. "Here, this is my phone number. Call, text, about whatever, whenever" I assured. Then he gave me his, but he still seemed hesitant. "Don't worry, you know I love you. Your little secret is safe with me" I said. Now I walked to the door and left with no complications. After school, I literally ran to Elena's house and told her everything. When I got to the part where her aunt's boyfriend's body kissed me, we both gagged. But now we had to face the fact, Klaus was amongst us and looking for blood. I had put myself in a very risky situation when I pretended to be my ancestor.

"I have a plan," Elena said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you but I'll call you when I go through with it. Don't tell Stefan or Damon" she made clear.

"I gotta get going, I have a test to study for," I said, then I left to go home.

~ Three days later ~

Nothing much happened, time just passed by. Except for the excessive homework, everything was fine. I was studying late and doing homework.

My phone began to ring.

"Hey, Elena, what's up" I greeted.

"I pulled the dagger out of Elijah, we came to terms. My friends and family were protected... if, I handed you over to him" she said hesitantly. My jaw dropped.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. What the hell did I miss?!" I asked.

"Elijah wants Rosalena back he told me you are in no harm," she said.

"Oh, pfft, yep, cool. Hand me over to a vampire who had a thing for my ancestor. You know what forget it, it's fine it's cool" I said. She remained silent. "When do I meet him?" I asked.

"Meet me at my house," she said.

I showed up at her house as soon as I could. Elena answered the door and lead me into the living room. As soon as I walked in I saw Elijah standing by the fire place. He turned to me.

"Thank you, Elena, I've got it from here," he said. Elijah appeared in front of me, startling me.

"Please Rosalena, come with me by choice, not by force," his words stuck with me and I decided to come with him.

I got into his car quietly. We drove off and his calm voice relaxed me.

"I know you don't remember, but you once asked me why I loved you. I told you that you were very special and were made for me. You laughed and thought I was just sweet talking you, but you are the only one for me. You are the only one who can give me a family," I turned my head to him quickly with a look of disgust, but he didn't see it. "I'm an original vampire, I've been alive for centuries and not me or my vampire defendants can conceive a child. The car stopped in front of a mansion.

"This is your house?" I asked looking up at its entirety.

"No, but it's for sale," he said. He took the keys out of the ignition and we both got out. The cold air surrounded me and gave me chills. Elijah walked me up to the house and opened the door. The place was dark and a bit dusty. Elijah turned on the light and revealed the interior. The place was covered in white sheets. One by one Elijah uncovered an old fashioned home. We walked into the living room, shelves were hung on the wall and each contained some interesting figurine. My fingers grazed the edges of furniture as I walked through the house. I found my way going up stairs and into the master bed room. I sat on the bed and I looked around feeling attached to the room somehow. Elijah came into the room and took a seat beside me. We stared into each other's eyes and he seemed to have found something in my eyes. He put his hands on my face and eased me into a kiss. When he whispered in my ear.

"I know your not the old Rosalena," he said. I backed away a bit.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Rosalena died human, I saw her die, and I saw her buried," he said solemnly.

"Then what was all that stuff in the car??" I questioned.

"A test, a very small portion of what I said was true,"

"Wow. If you loved her that much why did you make her lose her memory?" I asked.

"I didn't, my brother Klaus had tried to steal her heart but she remained true to me. He lashed out in anger of what I had and made her forget me entirely, thinking that if she didn't remember me he could have her. His efforts failed and when I found out and searched for her, she was engaged to a tavern boy" he told.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I expressed.

"That day I realized something I was too blind to see. She wasn't the one, close but not the one. She had the same eyes as you but the gleam in your eye is much brighter and... Different" he said leaning in.

"Klaus kissed me," I said bluntly, stopping him from kissing me. He stood up.

"My brother is here?" He panicked.

"Yeah, I think he's still is Alaric Saltzman's body," I said.

"No, I don't own the house but you can" he started.

"I have the papers, we can have someone come in the morning and make it official," he said quickly. Then he went into thought, what ever it was it didn't seem good but well thought out.

"Woah, what's going on?" I asked.

"Does Klaus know you're a doppelganger?" He asked.

"No, he thinks I'm the old Rosalena," I said.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"I don't know. Do you want me to call him?" Elijah looked stunned. "When he saw me he wouldn't let me leave until I made him trust me," I said. I picked up my phone and I dialed his number.

"Hello," another man with an accent answered.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Guess whos back in their body," he said.

"Oh good, it is you. I was wondering if we could meet up" I said looking to Elijah who was intensely looking at me.

"How about the grill in an hour?" He asked.

"Well, to be honest, ever since I had that run in with you a few days ago... I can't get you out of my head" I started.

"Do you think we could meet somewhere more secluded..?" I asked. Elijah now looked sick.

"I'll meet you at the high school in an hour," he said then hung up. Elijah heard the whole conversation and knew what to do.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" He asked.

"Water please," I said. Elijah took my phone! He left the room, he closed and locked the door behind him! I ran to the door.

"Elijah, please! Don't do this! Please..." I said my back sliding down the door. Moments later a hatch at the bottom of the door opened. I moved over a bit, a glass of water was slid under the door. I took a drink and smiled to myself. I got up and set the glass down on a bedside table. I looked around the room, king sized bed, bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub and shower, and a red couch. I sat back on the bed, took a few more sips of water then laid back trying to figure out my life.

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