Chapter 43

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    The other two watched as the man tortured me, for hours he enjoyed my pain. I deserved it for what I've done... My pain was his pleasure. The lack of blood hurt worse than his torment though... It took a long time but he finally got bored and left me with the other two. I couldn't see straight. One of them approached me.

"I'm sorry," he said. I turned away from him.

"Sorry doesn't help me," I said. Looking down at my several stab wounds that weren't healing fast due to the vervain.

"Woah, hey. What the hell are you doing?" He said scared. My scar started to burn like lava!!

"Nothing!" I screamed unintentionally. He backed up and closed the gate. Him and the other guy ran for the hills while I screamed in pain. The pain began to be so intense, I passed out...

~~Next day~~

I woke up in the cell, Klaus standing on the outside of it.

"You could make things easier on yourself if you just gave up. You could go back to living with me, and over time given freedom. But that thing you pulled last night was unacceptable," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"You mean you don't know?" He asked.

"No...." I said.

"You transformed last night a ripped up a poor deer," he said. I sat up

"What?" I asked trying to remember doing it. Trying to remember anything at all.

"This is why you shouldn't have left in the first place, you would have this power under control already!!" He yelled.

"But I thought you let me go," I said catching him in a lie. Klaus just walked away.

Okay, so I beast out when I'm close to death... fun...

~~Next day~~

Klaus had everything reinforced just in case I had another panic attack and escaped. I haven't eaten anything yet. That serious guy hasn't come back, and the only one to visit me talks on the phone then sleeps. Great guy...

~~Next day~~

The guy who checks on me doesn't feed me, he still sits on his phone and sleeps. I've lost my voice, no words can come out. This place is very uncomfortable and cold all the time... they leave me here alone for a few hours at a time. My scar is starting to burn again...

~~Next day~~

I woke up naked in my cell, no Klaus but a pair of clothes. I didn't escape last night, his fortress held me through the night. This is not good.

~~Next day~~

I've been throwing up blood, yet I haven't had any. My own body is rejecting me. I'm dying. I don't even know if I can die but I think I'm ready to....

~~Next day~~

I can't move. I'm a prisoner in my own body. I think I'm going to give up...

~~Next day~~

Klaus came to visit because of my cooperation. His master plan... To starve me to the point of death and I'd stay with him willingly. But there is no trust because of my willingness last time... I begged him to believe me but he just couldn't. I can't understand what could have made him become his way...

~~Next day~~

I prayed, I've never done it before but I needed to. I was going to lose my mind soon, I could feel it. So I prayed. I prayed for forgiveness. I prayed for help. And I prayed for death. Death, as mysterious and scary seemed better than being in this amount of pain.


I haven't eaten anything in a week, the hunger was so great that I was barely myself. Klaus was letting me rot here till he could trust me, this was all to get back at me for the pain I caused. Although my body was decaying slowly my mind grew strong. I could move things with my mind. As crazy as it sounds, it happened. I was gonna get out of here... The guy on his phone came in as usual. Talked for exactly 66 minutes and fell asleep at the same time every day. As soon as he did, I pulled my little mind trick. I pulled the phone from the man and sent out an SOS. Then everything grew light and white. The light was blinding. Then my eyes opened. Elijah was sitting in front of me crying and holding me in his arms, rocking with me. I couldn't hear anything but I looked up at him and he stopped crying for a moment and kissed my lips. It was real, I could feel again! Then slowly my hearing came back he held me more and I let him.

"Are we dead," I said. He looked me in the eyes.

"No, we are very much alive. I promise you," he said. I missed his voice so much. I finally had him back. He found me and he saved me. The text I sent went to Elena. She saved me. They both did...

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