Chapter 51

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I was in a fancy hotel room. Rebecca took us to New York for our little girls week trip. She had a fashion designer from Italy to get us clothes, and had a dress made for me me make, my stomach had gotten a bit bigger already. Rebecca was a real diva, it was easy to see now.

"Rose," Rebecca called from her room.

"Yeah?" I answered. I was going through all the clothes the lady had brought. How was I going to explain any of these clothes to Elijah without telling him the truth. Of course, I didn't want to lie but had a feeling he wouldn't be happy about this.

"Get ready, we're going to a party," she said.

"Why??" I questioned.

"I didn't have the best designer in the world create you a dress just to sit around and admire it. Put it on and let's go," she said. I rolled my eyes. I hadn't taken a shower in two days, so first things first.

After I got ready and fit myself into the dress I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress went just below my knees. It was a dark red and black. There was  bright white stitching at the bottom of the dress and an embroidered rose on my right breast. It was... breath taking and surprisingly comfortable. I walked out and showed Rebecca. She gasped.

"It looks so good on you," she said. "But one other thing, hair and makeup," she added snapping her fingers and two fabulous looking guys came in and fixed me up.

I wasn't exactly thrilled about going out. I honestly just wanted to sleep the whole twelve days. Apparently that wasn't an option.

Rebecca and I were some of the prettiest girls in New York, according to her anyway. We hopped into a limo that took us to one of the most exclusive clubs.

"Are you just gonna compel the guys to let us in?" I whispered. She laughed and got out of the car, I followed behind her. There was a mile long wait line that we walked past... We got to the front and the bouncer took Rebecca by the hand and kissed it.

"So good to see you again," he said smiling. Then he looked to me and smiled before letting us in.

"Who was that??" I asked Rebecca.

"I have friends everywhere. You should make some while we're here, forever is a long time," she said. Then walked away from me. The club was loud and fancy... I'm pretty sure I just saw two celebrities but I wasn't even sure. The bar had a long wall covered in bottles of alcohol. The place was dimly lit with a light purple and white glow. There was a band playing good music. There was a good mix of guys and girls, the place was definitely occupied but not overly crowded. The whole atmosphere was pure and happy. I was standing on the outside of the crowd awkwardly, kind of zoned out.

"Hey," a voice said. I looked over to a guy holding a drink with a slice of lime in it. He seemed young, a bit of scruff on his face, wearing a black and white formal suit.

"Hi," I said back.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be pushy or too forward but would you like to join me for a dance or something?" He asked.

"Uh.." I said but thought about what Rebecca said.

"I'd offer to buy you a drink but I can see that your..." he started.

"I don't really know how to dance.." I said avoiding it.

"No problem, neither do I but It'd be a good way to get to know each other," he said. I nodded and he set down his drink to take my hand. He pulled me out onto the dance floor. He looked over the the band and nodded. The group suddenly started playing slow music. I looked to him with an awkward smile.

"Haha, do you know the band or something?" I asked. He and I started slow dancing to the music.

"I own the club," he said laughing a little. I looked shocked.

"Oh, I didn't know," I said.

"I know. It's your first time here," he said. He made me do a little twirl before pulling me back to a slow waddle.

"Oh. How did you know? Was it that obvious?" I asked. He laughed.

"Everyone here is a regular, we all know each other. So it's kinda easy to point out the new kid," he said. I laughed.

"So you know Rebecca?" I asked.

"Know her? We used to party way back when," he said.

"That's cool," I said smiling.

"So, I don't mean to pry but... I don't see a ring," he said. I laughed.

"No, not yet. He and I want to wait a bit longer," I said. He nodded.

"Elijah is a lucky guy," he said. I stopped.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Sweety, you really think word like that wouldn't travel. Everyone's talking about it," he said.

"You're a..." I started.

"Vampire. Everyone here is and everyone outside is free range," he added.

"You mean you feed on live people here?" I asked. He looked at me funny.

"Well yeah... That's what vampires do," he said. "Have you not fed on a person?" He asked.  Now I felt a bit embarrassed.

"Uhh..." I started.

"No, that's wonderful. Now I have the pleasure to introduce you to it," he said thrilled. "Wait, how much do you drink a day?" He asked, showing me off the dance floor and to a back room.

"A cup," I answered.

"That'll all change today," he said. I was uneasy and he noticed. "You're not scared. Are you?" He asked.

"A little," I confessed. He put his arm around me and whispered.

"It's okay. You don't have to but, that life inside of you needs as much as it can to survive," he said then stood there for my response. I nodded.

"Yeah, let's do it," I said. He seemed really excited and pulled me into a side room. There stood a really handsome guy shirtless. I looked to the club owner and he pushed me toward the guy. Then the guy cut his arm! I turned around to the owner and he was no longer there. The shirtless man smiled at me and waited for me to bite him.... I stared at the blood dripping... I felt my eyes change, I started to feel the hunger I had felt in the beginning. Suddenly I couldn't control it anymore. I tore into his neck and took all of blood from his body. He fell into my arms and I kept going. Everything began to feel heightened again. I felt like new, and powerful!

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