Chapter 31

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My arm was starting to be irritated by the cast and rope mix. I couldn't be tied up in some unknown location while Klaus was still looking for me. He was just waiting for another chance at me. I mean, his lips were soft but they weren't Elijah's. Elijah was dead... I had forgotten, for a solitary moment, I had forgotten my true love was dead or sleeping as Klaus said. I started to use the wall as a bit of leverage. I wiggled myself up the wall, my cast scrapping the wall. I stopped and cringed at the noise. Hopefully, no one heard that. I slowly but surely got to my feet. Then, I tip toed to the right side of the room. A window with a sheet over it was my only way out. The wood creaked under my pressure. I held my breath, praying that someone would help me. I made it to the window, I could breathe a little easier now. I turned around and grabbed at the sheet. In one swift motion, I pulled down the sheet! Suddenly a loud crash occurred behind me. I swore under my breath and quickly turned around to see the curtain rod on the floor... A few people rushed into the room! I slowly turned around to see the man from the hospital coming at me. I panicked and ran into the other room, running into Derek! He grabbed me and I couldn't escape his grip. The man from the hospital ran into the other room at inhuman speeds!

"What are you??" I questioned. Derek held me tightly and stared at the man in the suit who just shook his head.

"Lock her up down stairs," he said.

"Wait, don't I get a phone call first?!" I said kinda jokingly, but a phone call would be nice. Derek hesitated.

"Now son!" The man said in a deeper and scarier voice. Derek pushed me toward a stair case, still hesitant but moving this time. It was pitch black and no light switches. A foul smell surrounded me, it was strangely familiar, but still smelt bad. Wet dog?

While we carefully walked down the stairs I just tried to recall the smell. We reached the bottom of the stairs. I walked blindly while Derek lead me along. It felt as if we were walking forever. He just kept pulling me along and that's when I saw a light. It was pale and seemed far away.... Where were we?? The more we walked the closer and wider the light became. Soon enough I looked up to where the light was coming from. The moon could be seen through a large hole in the ceiling.

"It's a series of tunnels from here, and further. Created ages ago by persons unknown but, we do know that the hole above us now is in a secluded area, unseen by the humans," he said. I got shivers, I understood now....

"Us humans?" I laughed nervously, he frowned.

"You're human aren't you?" He asked slightly confused. I felt a rock by my foot, I had an idea.

"Oh. Yes, I am. I'm the most wanted human at the moment," I said laughing harder.

"Am I missing something?" He asked confused. I shook off the nervous laughter. Derek then turned around to some chains. I quickly grabbed the rock and bashed it into his head! Derek fell to the ground with a thud. I dropped the rock and checked if he was breathing. He took small breaths but seemed okay. I turned away from where we came and ran to find another exit. I followed the long dark tunnel, I ran as fast as possible. Those people were werewolves!! I didn't know what they wanted me for but I wasn't gonna find out. My legs began to burn along with my lungs but I couldn't stop! If I did I would probably die! I'm pretty sure werewolves can't control their transformations, so I wasn't gonna sit around and get killed or bitten! I saw the end of the tunnel!! Just a bit further!!!! My heart raced faster than it has ever raced before. It was humming at this point! I ran out of the tunnel!! I was out! I heard something in the tunnel and I rushed to climb a tree. I was so out of breath it was nearly impossible! I clawed my way up the tree, gaining bruises and small cuts! My shirt was ripped but I was high in the tree! My broken arm felt worse, I could see that the cast was cracked. I tried to regain my breath, but also trying to hold it at the same time. I tried to listen for the sound in the tunnel again. I gasped for air a couple times unintentionally. Then I saw Derek's dad rushing from the tunnel, still human. I used one arm to hug the tree trunk and the other to cover my mouth. Sweat dropped off of me like a faucet. I closed my eyes and prayed again, and this time I prayed for Elijah. Derek's dad started to walk my way, I could hear his foot prints. he was getting closer and closer. I hugged the tree tighter as he approached. Then, the man's footsteps stopped right beneath me. He was underneath the tree now. I refused to look down to see if I had been spotted. I was terrified to think if I opened my eyes he'd be standing there looking up at me like I was foolish, Or even worse... Looking at me like food. Suddenly there was a rustle in the distance! His footsteps ran off in that direction. I took a deep breath. I was safe, for now. Now my only issue was finding out how to get down....

The Troubles Of Loving ElijahOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora