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The music at the party felt like it was pulsing through my veins. Even though the music only made it hard to hear anything else around me I was squinting my eyes. Bodies were bumping into me more forcefully and frequently then school. I thought it would be cool to see what this house looked liked on the inside, but inbetween all these people I couldnt see anything around me.

A hand rested on my shoulder and steered me into the hallway. I was expecting it to be Carla or maybe even Shawn but it was Cam. I was leaned against the wall, and looked around. 

High ceilings, cream colored walls, fancy looking artwork, and expensive doornobs. The expected from a place like this. I looked at Cam who was proped up against the wall across from me, looking at the wall above me. I cocked my head and turned around. A painting of a beach was right above my head. I went and leaned on the wall that Cam was on so I could get a good look at the painting. 

Cam's POV

The music was loud, and I had already lost sight of the rest of the group. Darcy was in front of me trying to get through the crowd. I thought that maybe this was my chance. I could talk to her alone. Although I guess the music made me feel more confident for a few moments because the next thing I knew I was steering her into the nearest open hallway. What the hell was I expecting to do? Pull her into a hallway and hope fate would make some good things happen?

Luckily Darcy just stood there looking relieved to be out of the crowd. I pretended I wasnt watching as she analyzed everything in the hallway we were in. As she looked my way I quickly averted my eyes to a painting of a beach above her head. I also pretended I didnt look at her out of the corner of my eye as she came next to me to see what I was looking at. 

Please fate be on my side just this once. Give me some luck, just tonight. It will make up for all the other times things just went wrong. Just this once.

"Its a beautiful painting dont you think?" Darcy said.

Darcy's POV

I knew all the painting really was to most people was a splash of blue for water, some yellow for the sun, and white for the sand. But in my eyes it was something more. It was tiny grains of sand that lifted up in the wind and hit you in the face. It was the calming sensation you get when you float on your back in the  ocean. It was the smell of seaweed and freash air. Either this was all my ability to see beyond the littlest things, or I just really love the beach. 

"Do you know what beach that is?" Cam asked.

I stared at the painting another moment.

"It looks like any old beach to me."

"Its South Beach. You know in Miami?"

My mind flashed through every memory and recollection I have of South Beach. I believe my Uncle used to have a girlfriend who lived near there. I can name a few movies and tv shows that took place there. And we cant forget the fact that South Beach is one of the most well known beaches in Florida, I would say. 

"Yea I know South Beach. Ive never been there but I want to go."

Cam's POV

Darcy looked at the beach longingly. For some reason I had an urge to want to ask if she would want to go there together sometime. I dont know how it came out of my mouth, the thought just crossed my mind but it did.

"Ill take you there," I realized this sounded strange so I tried to save myself. " I mean if you want."

She thought for a moment before she turned to look at me for a moment.

Darcy's POV

I didnt realize until now, as I looked at Cam how cute he was. When I was younger (and actually good at making friends) my friends and I would always talk about what we wanted our husbands to be like. As I look at Cam I am reminded of exactly what I wanted mine to look like. His brown hair and eyes. His slighly tanned skin, from being outside to much. All were the exact picture of my dream husband. I know this is so weird that I'm thinking this but hes so alike to the guy I dreamed I'd be with some day when I was a little girl. Then again the husband I used to dream about was an actor who only played in action movies, and would buy me dolls and ponys (I was six).

"You would really take me?"

Cam's POV

Darcy's eyes searched mine to see whether or not I was lying. Again the words just flew from my mouth. 

"Yea I would really take you. Whenever you want to go just tell me." 

I made sure I didnt mention I wouldnt be able to go anytime during soccer season.

Darcy's POV

Something just clicked. I can feel it. I think that in the future if things go like this, Cam and I might be more then just friends.

"Lets go soon. I want to see the beach before summer when it gets crowded." 

I smiled at the thought of going to the beach. Maybe just Cam and I. No obnoixous Shawn, no Carla who screams over every little thing. It will be fun, just me and Cam.

Cam's POV

My confidence faded away, now what do I say. 

"So later I'll tell Shawn to pick out his favorite beach bag to go huh?"

Darcy's eyes widened.

Darcy's POV

Cam was smiling a loopsided smile, and I let go of the breath I had been holding.

"Ha.Ha. You got me."

Cam looked at me slighly more serious. He was about to ask me something.

Cam's POV

Ask if she wants to go dance. Just ask her! You've asked girls out all the time and its never been hard, and they've never said no, so what are you so scared of?

"Darcy do you want to--"

"Darcy! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Shawn handed Darcy a red solo cup that smelled strongly of alcohol. He pulled on Darcy's hand and she lurched fowards. 

"Let's go dance, Carla's looking for you to."

I stood there. My mind could barely put together what was happening. I guess fate really wasnt on my side. That was all me talking to Darcy. 

"Thanks for keeping her warm for me." Shawn whispered as Darcy went over to Carla who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

They all left Dancing and swaying their bodies to the beat of the music. But not Darcy, she just let them pull her along like she always did. Darcy looked over her shoulder at me, but she disappeared in the crowd in seconds.

Someday I wont let them just drag her wherever they want.

This wasnt a bet anymore. Not to me.

I havent updated in so long!The story is almost foreign to me!  I got the idea of going back and forh from Darcy to Cam really quick because I thought it would be different, so I hope you liked it. Sorry if it was a bit confusing. Thank you so much if your reading this! It means so much to me! Please comment, vote, and follow! Xoxo :D


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