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"Darcy Ryan."

"Well Ms.Darcy Ryan you can have a seat wherever youd like. By the way im Mr.Richardson, Ill be your math teacher."

   Mr.Richardsons classroom reminded me of standing in a new house. Not because the classroom was foriegn to me, but because it smelt like fresh paint. One memory in particular stood out in my mind. It was when I was eight years old and we had just moved into a new house in Massachusetts. I was picturing myself walking into that bedroom for the first time. At the time I had an obsession with the color purple, so my Dad must have recently repainted the walls to suit my liking. For that first week in the purple bedroom I feel asleep to the smell of chemicals. For that whole week I hated the color purple because of how much I hated the smell of the new paint. I know its stupid but I was only eight, and when your eight your not really suppposed to have great logic yet.

   I browsed the room searching for an empty seat. The screeeching of a desk moving was coming from where Charlie was sitting. He was sitting with a group of people who I instantly registered as the "popular" group. Charlie beckoned me to come and sit in the empty desk that he had pulled over next to his. Eager to slip out of the attention of the rest of the class I dragged my feet towards the desk next to Charlie. 

  I set my binders on the desk and sat down. I was expecting to feel really uncomfortble, but Charlie started talking before I could...well before I could just sit there awkwardly without saying anything.

   There were three girls and four boys all hudled together around us. The girls looked like something out of a movie. They all looked the same, perfect smiles, amazing eyes, and a invisible glow that instantly made you want to be their friend. Even though they all looked the same their features were completely different. One girl was blond with hazel eyes, the other was a brunette with blue eyes, and the last was a girl with sleek black hair and dark brown eyes she was really exotic looking.

   As for the boys they were all good looking. They looked kind of mainstream but they were hot none the less. One had longer brown hair, another had black hair, one with blond hair, and the last with short bown hair. Even though their featues were kind of boring they looked really fit from what I could tell. Wow whats up with usally never one to judge people like this. Now that I think about it out of all these boys Charlie is probably the best looking.

"Hey guys this is Darcy."

   They all leaned in towards me with wide eyes and smiles. I cant tell yet if they actually care about who I am or if they care for a second to see if im worthy. The brunette girl spoke up.

"Im Vanessa, if you want you can sit with us at lunch"

   She was sort of straight foward, but Vanessa was nice. I assumed I would sit with Carla and the other girls at lunch but they are already my friends. Since im going to be at this school for awhile I might as well make friends with everyone.

"Uh sure that sounds great!"

"Awsome! By the way this is Serena," Vanessa pointed to the dark haired girl. "This is Kristie," she pointed to the blonde. Kristie and Serena both gave me a wave.

"Guys introduce yourselves." Kristie motioned for the four boys to tell me their names.





   I nodded my head like I was trying to remember all of their names but in reality I knew I wouldnt be needing to know their names. If one of them tries to personally befriend me then I might try and learn their name...otherwise not going to waste my time.


   The rest of my morning classes mostly had at least one class with someone in the group. I had a few with Charlie, one with Carla, and one with Bryn. The teachers were all the same...boring, and the students all looked exactly alike and all had similar sounding names. Hopefully lunch will be a little different.

   The rest of the whole school had basically already gone outside, or the cafeteria to eat lunch. I on the other hand was struggling to open my locker. This school seems so nice I would like to think their lockers would be a little easier to open. 

Cam's POV

"Cam, have you seen Darcy?"

   Carla was hovering over me. Its werid having her talk to me in school, we never really associate. Its even weirder that she came to my lunch table. Im surprised she even knew where it was. Carla and her group sit in the cafeteria for lunch. I on the other sit outside, with my group. 

"No, I havent seen her, now go away Carla."

   I turned back around, but Carla was persistent.

"Please Cam I dont know where she is, maybe shes lost or something."

"I dont no why that would be my problem. Carla please go away"

"Cam, if you dont come help me look I will tell mom about each and everytime you snuck out of the house with Shawn and the rest---."

   We must have been having our "sibling moment" a little bit to loud because now Shawn was butting into the conversation.

"Cam I had an idea of something we can do later tonight with everyone, and im going to be really mad if you bail so I suggest that you--"

   I didnt feel like listen to Shawn so I stood up. Why am I helping Carla? Shes probably in the bathroom or something. I ran a hand through my hair.

"Where the heck do you want me to look Carla? I dont even know her, just go wait for her at her locker or something."

   Before Carla could respond she was interupted. 

"Cam! Hey Cam! Have you seen Darcy she is supposed to be eating luch with us today." Vanessa said.

Ok i havent uploaded in such a long time because something just didnt feel right about this story to me. From the beginning I hated some of the names I chose for the book. All the charaters names were improvised, and I wanted better names for awhile. I know its a horrible thing to do ( Change charaters names halfway through the story) but I changed the names of Charlie  (used to be Dennis) and Cam (used to be Keegan). This names seemed girly and kinda nerdy and I wanted these charaters to be portrayed as "Coolish". Anyways it doesntmatter that I changed the names that much becasue who will notice right?

This is dedicated to @WritingMelody because she always leaves nice comments, and has so many great stories!!! Check her out please! :)

Anyways thank you so much for reading this!! Please vote and comment!!


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