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"Darcy I have something that you will look so cute in!" Bryn said. 

I looked down at my outfit...I thought I looked fine the way I was? Do you really need to dress up for a senior party? 

Before I could question I was pulled along. I wasnt sure where the boys were. As if now it was only Maggie, Carla, Izzy, and I.  

When we reached the steps of Bryn's house I slowed my pace. I didn't want to be the first one to walk in just in case her parents were home...I've always been awkward around parents. Bryn peeked inside her house, before she opened the door to let us in. Her house was almost an exact replica of Carla and I. Just some of the furniture and coloring werent the same. We walked into the hallway, and walked into her room. If this was my house we would be walking into Jeremy's room. Speaking of where is he? 

"So you guys think a blue or black dress would go better on Darcy?" Bryn asked. 

The girls lounged on the bed discussing what to do with my hair, shoes, make up, etc. I don't no what the big thing was its just a party. Maybe senior parties are really as crazy as the movies make them out to be? Yea probably not. 

"Here wear this." 

Carla threw a sparkly black dress at me. I held it up and it was unusually short...and Bryn was taller then me so I can't imagine what it'd be like on her. 

"Should I go in the bathroom?" 

The girls exchanged looks before giggling. 

"We aren't going to look at you, we are all girls here anyways." Izzy said. 

"You should get used to it now. In gym every one changes and showers in front of everyone. Boys and girls seperate of course." Maggie added. 

I blushed but understood where they were coming from. I never really had many friends so I was never put into a situation where I had to change in front of them. I've seen on tv though, when close friends just change in front of each other like its no big deal. Wait that just sounded weird... 

I slipped my top off, lying it down nicely on Bryn's bed. I was about to slip the dress over my head when the door opened. 

"Shawn! Get out you pig!" Bryn screamed. 

"What? I was just wondering if you guys were--" 

Shawn noticed me standing nothing but shorts and a bra... 

Shawn slammed the door shut. I'm surprised he respected my privacy, not something I would've expected from him. 

"Darcy are you okay?" 

Carla was being sincere when she asked this. I know I'm a goody two shoes sometimes but I'm not going to flip out. I have a brother of my own who will stumble upon me in my unmentionables every once in awhile. Then again when that happens we don't cross paths for a few days... But having your brother see you half naked is worse then an almost stranger.  

"Yea I'm fine, it really wasn't a big deal." 

I slipped the dress on taking it off right after, my face must've looked like I had sunburn.  

"Can we just go to that party now?"

We met the boys outside. They were all talking about the "hot" girls that would be attending the party as well.  

"Alana is pretty hot I would say." 

"Alana Maycott?" 

"No! Alana Murphy!" 

"Ohh yes she is hot." 

Izzy, Bryn, Maggie, and I just stood there smiling at the conversation the boys were having. Carla on the other hand had a scowl on her face. 

"You boys are such idiots! Everyone knows that Alana Murphy is the biggest slut of the twelfth grade!" 

Carla's frown grew by the seconds. 

"You only say that because she told Cam he was unfortunate so have a sister like you." 

Carla's mouth hung open, and us girls couldn't help but to snicker. 

"She is a slut, and she's also a bitch! People like that shouldn't deserve compliments!" 

Since Carla's newest outburst was directed at us girls, we couldn't help but to laugh harder. When I thought I couldn't laugh anymore Shawn proved me wrong.  

"She is apart of that club in school that visits old people and sick kids in the hospitals. I'm not positive but I think that she's the president of that club..." 

Carla was silent for a moment before she started walking forward. 

"Can we just go to this party now?"

Shawn told us that this party was in some neighborhood far away so we would have to take his car. His car is an old truck that I don't fully consider a car because its practically falling apart.  

"Darcy?" Jeremy whispered when we got in the truck. Where did he come from?


"I'm a little nervous." 

The fact that my sociable brother was nervous about going to a party, just made me that much less nervous. 

"Why are you nervous?" 

Jeremy looked around not making eye contact. 

"Well, what if the guys here now ditch me then where do I go?" 

I let out a small chuckle. Jeremy was reminding me of when we were little and how he would always insist on holding my hand in public. 

"If they ditch you then you stay with me and the girls." 

Jeremy looked at his feet this time before looking at my eyes. 

"But the thing is if they ditch me they will probably be ditching me for you." 

Ditch him for me? What's that supposed to mean. 

"If they ditch you for me then you have nothing to worry about do you?" 

Jere shrugged his shoulders. 

"Yea I guess." 

Jeremy immediately went back to his normal self.

After fifteen minutes of small talk, looking out the window, and singing along to music we stopped. 

"Since we are sneaking you freshman and Jeremy in its better we don't go make a grand entrance." 

The street was lined with giant nice houses, and in front of those houses were the tons of cars belonging to teenagers. 

Shawn parked his car all the way at the top of the street, so we could walk up sort of unnoticed. 

"So who's party is this anyways?" I asked not directed to anyone in particular. 

"It's this super rich senior guy. He has a sister and brother in the year above you." Billy said. 

I was a bit taken back when Billy answered, but I acted like it was no big deal. It just seemed to me like he was just in the back round all the time with no real purpose, now that I think about it though that sounds really...mean of me. 

We walked up the driveway to this giant house. The bottom half of it was made of brick, and the top was pale colored siding. They must have run out if bricks... The steps to the front door seemed like they would take a whole year to get all the way up. Red solo cups were spread all amongst the lawn. Which I my add was abnormally green. Behind the mansion was loud music and lights. We were about to walk up the steps, which were occupied with a few stray couples (who came for some privacy) when Shawn pulled me back.  

"Just be cool kay?" 

I nodded my head, not taking it offensively. What did I get myself into?

Da Dum! There it is, I've been working on this chapter for such a long time it feels. I was just to lazy to finish it :P Thanks if your reading this I LOVE you just for that:) Please comment, vote, and follow if your not already! Thanks again <333


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