Chapter 21

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Laura looked up when Suzanne Brett burst into Document Control and Storage, followed closely by the overseer for Level Four. Work ground to an immediate halt as dozens of pairs of eyes watched them.

'Carry on with your work,' said Brett.

'Yes, carry on everyone.' The overseer mimicked Suzanne's order, as he ran to catch up with her.

Laura stared at her screen, in an effort to look busy. She could hear Brett's uniform swishing between her legs. Why was she here? Who was she here for? Laura had only met Suzanne Brett once before, back when she had started work. She hadn't warmed to the woman's chilly desk-side manner and her black hair and thin lips only bolstered her nickname of "the ice queen". Laura knew enough not to cross the women who occupied the top positions.

She continued to study the screen. The swishing sounds abated and she tensed.

A tap on her shoulder startled her. Her face flushed red as she turned to find Brett stood behind her. The room fell silent. Brett's cold eyes bored into her while the overseer hovered uneasily in the background.

'Laura O'Halloran?'


'You are being relocated as a matter of priority. Get your things.'

'What? Where?' She glanced at her overseer who indicated it was time to go. She stood up and gathered together her meagre possessions that included her DPad and a framed picture of her parents. 'Where am I going?'

Brett took the lead. The overseer walked behind Laura as they guided her towards the exit. Panic grew inside her.

She caught the look of curiosity on her colleagues' faces. Janine mimicked a call sign and mouthed 'later'. No doubt Janine would be talking about her as soon as she left.

When would "later" even be? She didn't know.

Brett led her to the turbo lift and called it.

'Where are you taking me? Have I done something wrong?'

The lift arrived and Brett entered first. Her overseer shoved Laura inside.

'Thanks for your help, Phil,' said Brett. 'I'll take it from here.' She placed a hand on the overseer's chest and prevented him from following. As the doors closed, she retracted her arm and left him on the other side. The doors remained open long enough for Laura to see him mouth the word 'bitch'.

'One floor down,' said Brett.

At first Laura thought it was a command for the lift. Her heart thundered in her chest when she realised where she was headed.


'Hold out your right thumb.'

Laura complied and Brett jabbed her with a sharp instrument. Laura winced, but didn't pull away her thumb as Brett upgraded her security chip access.

The lift doors opened. 'That will give you access to Level Five,' said Brett. 'But before I can take you there, you need to come with me.'

They stepped out into an unremarkable corridor. If it hadn't been for the number five flashing like a beacon in the turbo lift, Laura wouldn't have known what floor she was on; the grey walls and carpet gave no clues. Brett ushered her into a small room two doors down from the lift where she was greeted by a stern, seated man wearing the familiar purple uniform of the Level Five workers. The uniform was adorned with almost as many accolades as Brett's. Clearly, he was somebody important in the ESC.

'Please, take a seat.' He pointed to the chair. She caught his musky scent as it wafted in her direction.

She sat down and looked around her. The door sucked shut. Brett remained inside the room, standing in one corner.

The purple-clad man thrust a DPad at her. 'Read this out loud, so I know you understand it.'

Laura shakily read the full text of the document.


You are entering into an area which contains highly sensitive documentation.

You may not discuss the information you see with anyone.

You must only divulge information to an employee of a higher rank than you.

If you do anything that is in direct violation of this agreement, you will be severely reprimanded.

Place your security chip at the bottom of the screen if you comply with this agreement.

What reprimand? Maybe she'd find out at the induction programme later.

But in her excitement and shock, her mind refused to let go of something. This was all happening too fast. She wasn't scheduled for promotion for another two years and hadn't heard of anyone being fast-tracked.

Still, if it increased her chances of getting on the transfer list for Exilon 5, and away from Earth, then she had to take a leap of faith.

Laura placed her right thumb on the marker and accepted her new role on Level Five.

Genesis Code, (Book 1, Genesis Series)Where stories live. Discover now