Chapter 17

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Galen Thompson turned away from the entrance to the eastern canteen. He couldn't hear the argument between Stuart and Jenny, but it was enough for him to consider looking into Captain Waterson's background. Perhaps the ESC weren't looking for someone at the docking station. Maybe they wanted one of the pilots.

As he walked away his communication device rang.

'Galen? It's your father.'

'Dad, I was just about to call you. Listen, I may have found something—'

'You can tell me in person. Your mother and I need you to come to Sydney. It's urgent.'

'How soon?'


Galen's stomach lurched thinking about the interrogation that awaited him. He wanted out of this spy gig. 'Look, I can just tell you over the line. I haven't found—'

'Your mother needs to see you.' His father sounded flustered. 'Come to Sydney. Don't delay. Please, it's important.'

Galen disconnected the call and headed back to the observation deck to wait for Stuart to return. His distracted overseer walked in a few moments later.

'Stuart, I need to ask a favour,' said Galen, meeting him halfway.

'Don't you have some reports to file?'

'I do but my father just called and he sounded worried about my mother. He wants me to fly over to Sydney immediately.'

'Right now? You're in the middle of your shift.'

'I'm sorry Stuart. I wouldn't normally ask but it sounded serious.' He tried to look contrite.

Stuart sighed. 'Fine. You have two hours. Don't be late back.'

Half an hour later, Galen exited the Sydney docking station, wearing his overcoat and a thick scarf. He searched for his parents and found them standing by the water's edge in the area beyond downtown Sydney known as The Rocks.

'Mom, Dad.'

Jack shook Galen's hand while Penny stared out over the water.

'What took you so long?' she said.

'I got here as fast as I could.'

She waved her hand. 'Your father and I need to talk to you about something. Let's walk.'

He pulled his overcoat tighter as he followed them along the shoreline. The evening air felt cooler than the chilly daytime afternoon but it was better than the freezing night-time air. The permanently lit street lamps offset the grey illumination of the daytime sun.

'Did you know they used to swim in the seas around here?' said Jack walking alongside Penny. 'Well, not here, exactly, but nearer to where the beaches are? Can you imagine what that would have been like?'

'We don't have much time, Jack,' said Penny. 'Galen, what have you found out? Any sign of the ESC memos I was talking about? They might look different to what you normally receive, especially if they've been encrypted.'

'I haven't been able to look at much. My overseer keeps a close eye on me. He doesn't like me using the workstations when I'm not on duty.'

'Sounds like he has something to hide,' said Jack.

Galen almost mentioned Stuart and the captain's heated discussion, but decided against it. He would look into Jenny Waterson's background first. Better not to accuse her of anything without proof. 'I'll keep an eye on him.'

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