Chapter 1

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My body moved to the beat of Sugar by Robin Schulz. Going to Ultra Music Festival was the best thing I did. Robin is one of my favorite DJ's. His music just lights something up in me, he's so original and unlike other DJs. I'm situated in the second row, well that aren't really rows but you can say that I'm really close to the front.

I came here alone, I saved up all my money to come here and enjoy the music. I may be alone but that doesn't mean that I can't have a good time.

"This is my last 5 minutes on stage. Next up is Martin Garrix. " he announced.

He played 'Willst Du' and he did a remix of it. It was amazing, that's one of my favorite songs of his.

"Thank you guys so much. This is my favorite event to play. You guys are amazing, definitely one of the best crowds I have played for. Thank you guys! See you next year Ultra!!" He said and left.

It's almost at the end of the festival and my feet are already killing me. I'm not complaining though, I'd take this over a day at work.

Two minutes later and Martin Garrix shows up. Martin is my second favorite DJ. Tiësto is first.

"South Africa are you ready ?? Get ready to fucking jump!! Let's get this party started!" He shouted.

He opened with Virus. I couldn't help it, it was like a calling to my body. I jumped along with the rest of the crowd in sync.

The sky was now red, I was witnessing an African sunset. Yes. I said African. I flew this year to South Africa, Cape Town. It's so beautiful!

I was watching Martin turning nobs and bobbing his head to the music with his headphones on. He took a glance at the crowd and his eyes met mine.

My heart fluttered inside and he smirked and winked. Did that just happen ? You can't blame me, he's one of the hottest DJs ever.

Martin turned back and he was talking to someone. They peered over and looked at the crowd but I couldn't make out their face, all I saw was that they were wearing black.

About 20 minutes later and he plays Helicopter. The whole crowd is raving! My eyes are close and my head is thrown back as my body moves up and down to the beat, throwing my hands in the air. I feel little beads of sweat form on my skin.

I can hear that he's slowly bringing in Animals. The song finally kicks in as the other one was faded out. My feet are tapping to the melody.

"Da, da da, da, da da da da da. " I chant along with the rest of the people.

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, I could tell it was man hands so I feared that it was a random guy that wanted something from me, like sex. I turn around and see two tall, buff men dressed in black formal suits.

"What do you want ?" I ask with panicked eyes.

"You're gonna have to come with us miss. " They say.

"What ? Why ? What did I do ??"

"Calm down mam, Mr. Garrix has requested that you come back stage. " They inform me.

"What ? Why ?" I question.

I look back at the stage and he looks over to me and nods. I look around me and all the people are still having a good time, how do they not take notice of what's happening to me ?

I go with the men, it takes a long time because they want to go all the way out so that no one follows. It takes a good 20 minutes of walking, they did help out though, they cleared the way so that I could walk better.

I'm A Mess // M. G.Where stories live. Discover now