Chapter Thirty-Two

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Jasmine's P.O.V

It's been a three weeks since Jason got shot and I been here with him in the basement. As you know he's the world most dangerous criminal they have their own private doctor. I've stayed at Jason sides this entire time, I haven't left or eaten because I hadn't had the appetite to eat anything really. Only time I leave is when Dr. Jeffery asked me too. I was walking around the bed admiring how amazing Jason looks even know his skin is very pale and tired and worn out.

I looked at the scars the bullets wounds and stab wound left. It hurts just looking at it.
I traced Jason outline of his face and smiled. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"I love you and you're going to make it threw this. I'll be here every step of the way," I said squeezing his hand in reassuring.

I sat down next to him and began drawing patterns on his hand. I heard the door open, I didn't bother to look up I already knew who it was. The guys have been trying to get me out of the house but I won't because I can't leave Jason, I need to be at his side. I felt someone next to me and I look over and it was Alex. He gave me a weak smile and I gave him one back.

"Ariana and Selena are here for you." Alex said

"Okay, send them down." I said

"There waiting and outside I think you should go out there with them." Alex said

"No, no, I know what you're doing it's not going to work. I can'-Alex cut me off

"Jasmine, You haven't been outside in days you should hang out with your friends plus Jason will be fine he's been through worst trust me."

"But, but- Alex cut me off again

"I will sit down here and watch Jason, you go have little fun you don't have to be gone for forever just a couple hours."

"Promise?" I ask

"Promise." He said

"Okay, I guess." I said

"Good they're actually outside the door listening so go upstairs and get ready." Alex said

I look at him playfully offended and put my hand over my chest. He started to laugh and I did as. Ariana and Selena came into the room.

"Come on let's go get you dress." Selena said

I left out of the room with them and walk up to my room. Ariana sat me on the bed while they went through my clothes to find an outfit. They pick out and outfit. I went to go take a shower in the mist of all this. I took a quick shower.

Selena did my hair (As in the picture and outfit as looks the same) and Ariana did my makeup but she added wing eyeliner it looks nice. We walked downstairs and Rebecca and the guys were in living room playing Mortal Kombat X.

"Your finally get out, ay." John said in a joking manner.

"Yeah, she gets a Jason shot and now she wanna leave how ironic." Rebecca said

"It's wasn't her fault. She didn't know." Ariana said

"Yo, Becca back off man." Rider said

I look over at her and then we both look at him. He was standing up with his shirt off.

"All I'm saying someone got shot and then she leaves like wow; you deserve around of applause." Becca said clapping her hands.

I look down at my feet knowing she right. Jason took a bullet for me and I'm going to just leave. I felt terrible about it. Alex came in the room

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