Chapter Sixteen

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I woke up and I could barely see. I started blinking trying to clear up my vision. I heard voices I turned my head over in that direction. I only saw figures moving and colors but I couldn't make out what there where. My vision slowly came back to me. I looked back to where I saw the figures I saw four girls.

(In the picture above) One girl with red hair, one with blonde hair, and two brunettes. They stop talking when they noticed me looking at them. The room was full of silence. I sat up on the bed I was on. I couldn't help but wonder why are they all here? What does he want with them? Why did he take me away from Jason? Maybe Jason won't come looking for me he's probably happy to get me off his hands. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the red head speaking.

"Hi, I'm Ariana." Red head spoke

"Hey, I'm Jasmine." I said

"This is Dove, Victoria and Vanessa," She said point to blonde one first and then brunettes.

"Hey," They said simultaneously.

"Hello." I said

I had to admit this really amateurish right at this moment. We all just sat here and looked at each other. Ariana started talking about herself and started telling funny story and then the others join in. Soon we began talking to each other. I learn a lot about them and they're really nice people.

Ariana is my favorite though.She had lot to say about her life, she's really funny. Just then Jinsu came in with a box of pizza and cups in his hands. I was really glad we must have spent hours in here with out something to drink or eat. We waited for them leave before touching anything.

Ariana grab the first piece and then we did. It was Domino's and it tasted amazing. I grab a drink I look in it and it was a dark red; it's Black Cherry pop. Eh, I sat down and continued to eat the food. After a few minutes everyone started acting divergent. I looked at the cup one more time and then it hit me. He put something in the drinks. The girls had passed out. I threw my drink bathroom sink. I tried to look out the window but I'm too short.

I went back in the room and I sat back on the bed. I never thought I say this but I really hope Jason's finds me. Who knows what they'll do to me. Just at the moment Jinsu and few of gang members came in the door. They're head snapped to me when they walked in.

"How the hell are you up?" Jinsu questioned

"You drugged them and I don't drink pop." I lied "You sick bastard."

"Your going to wish like hell you didn't say that." Jinsu yelled

He came over to me and grab me by my arm and I fought back. I slap him and then his friends came over and held me down on the ground. Jinsu kicked me in the stomach and grab a needle out of his back pocket. I tried to move away but solid grip so I couldn't move. He injected me with liquid in the needle.

I cried in pain from the kick to my stomach and needle. My vision became blurry and my hearing became faint. I felt my self being lifted and carried something. I tried to fight it but I couldn't I blink three times and then one more before everything went black.

Jason's P.O.V

Fuck!! How could I let Jinsu get her? I need to find here but we check everywhere he could be. I have search teams out looking for a clue but we haven't find anything. Like she's all I think about. It's driving me crazy. I sitting in the living room watching TV and Alex group came in by the way the look I can tell they didn't find her. Travis came downstairs and sat down on the couch. Still I was pissed how close him and Jasmine but that will have to wait for later.

"Did you find her?" Travis asked Alex.

"If he would've found her she would be standing here." I said

"No one talking to you, because I don't see you don't shit." Travis said

Who the fuck he think he talking to? Cause he got me all types of fucked up. I stood up.

"Who are you talking too? Damn sure ain't talking to me." I said

"I am talking to you and what the fuck are you going to do about it? It's your fault she got kidnap in the first place." Travis said

He really wants me to kill him doesn't he? Like bitch do you know who your talking to?

"How the fuck is it my fault?" I yelled

"You forgot to lock the door up and if it wasn't for you murdering Taylor we wouldn't have left," Travis said yelling throwing his hands in the air.

"She was in our business and she would have told on us. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and quite falling for some girl who doesn't want you she a hostage not your lover, sorry you didn't hit yet." I yelled back

"Oh your one to talk, I'm not the one she called a cruel devilish monster." Travis said

And at that moment I stood face to face with him and I had so anger inside me just thinking of him and Jasmine and everything he just said. I punched him directly in his jaw. I repeatedly punched him in the face and tackled him to the door.

He fought back. He punched me in my jaw and I punch him in his nose I think I broke it. I heard some yelling for me to get off of him. Alex and John got me off of him He had a broken nose, an a bruise jaw. My mouth was bleeding a bit.

" So McCann I leave you in charger you beat up Travis."Bruce said

"Nah you don-Bruce cut me off

"I don't care to hear your excuses get cleaned up." Bruce said "Oh Travis I'm sending you away for 5 months."

"What?!" Travis said

"You'll be working else where not here anymore." Bruce said

I smirked that what that son of bitch gets. But now I gotta find another tracker because he might be a bitch but he was good at what he do I'll say that. They let us go and I went upstairs and rinsed my mouth and got a towel wet it up. I damp it on my lip.

Then I remember something, Travis give Jasmine's his iPod and it has he has a tracking device in just in case anymore tried to steal it he could find it. I ran out my room and downstairs to living room where he was.

"Travis!" I said

"What do you want?" Travis asked in annoyance.

"You gave Jasmine you iPod, right?" I asks.

"Yeah so?" He said

"Well you have a tracking device in it remember?" I question.

"Oh shit, Yeah I do." He said

"Jasmine has it you can track her." I said

"Hand me my computer." He said

Mason handed it him the computer and he began typing away. We all waited for him to get done but he was taking forever, I actually felt happy thinking about getting Jasmine's back. We waited about a thirty minutes before he found her.

"They at Jinsu warehouses." Travis said

"Good." I said

Now it's time to get my baby back...

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