Chapter Eight

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Jasmine P.O.V

It's been three days since Alex and Jason found me. These last few days have been hell. The entire crew taken turns on beating me, even Travis. I could tell he didn't want to, but he had no other choice. Everybody else stopped, but Alex still does. My body aches in pain, I can't walk or fight back.

I laid there All I can do is lay here and take the beating. They haven't fed me at all or given me water. I'm dehydrated and I haven't taken a shower or changed my clothes. My outfit is dirty and so am I. I could feel it. Why god? What did I do to deserve this? Why me why not someone else?

I heard footsteps coming towards my room. Fear took over me. The door open revealing Travis but then the shadow stepped next to him. It's Alex. I tense up badly, Alex walk over to me and slowly put his hand across my cheek. I tense up at his touch, think he was going to hit me. When he didn't I was very surprised but I knew something was up because Alex isn't nice. Right when I started to think, he pulled my hair making yelp in pain.

"Alex what the fuck bro?" Travis exclaimed

"Stay out of this Travis." Alex hissed

Out of nowhere Alex slap me. I yell at pain, he pulled my hair tighter making me look up at him. He begin calling me all types of names like bitch, whore, slut, etc...Travis try to get him let go of me but Alex was way stronger than him so he easily push Travis off with one hand. Alex slap me again and he kick me in my stomach, I goan in pain.

" I'll give you one more chance to tell me what did you tell cops." Alex said

"I already told you." I managed to croak out

"Alex let her go man she already told us... If she was lying the cops would have been at here by now." Travis said

"Travis do you like her or something? Like at this how could like something like this? All she is useless nobody wants or miss her in fact I could just kill her now." Alex said

Those words hurt me so bad but it true I'm useless how could someone like you see how I look nobody would ever want me or miss. In fact I would just rather die. I quickly snap out of my thoughts and came back to reality. Alex pulled out his pocket knife and began rubbing the knife across my face.

When he passed my cheek with the knife it burn a little. He pulled me by hair and put the knife across my neck. Fear took over me and I began crying, I watch as Travis had sadness in his eyes as he stare at. Just as he was about to start I heard a familiar voice.

"Alex put the knife down." A familiar voice said

I look over and I saw Jason stand in the doorway, I never thought I'll be so happy to see him in my life. Alex slowly pulled the knife away from me and let go my hair, I took a deep breath in relief.

"I'm just have a little fun, Is that a crime? " Alex said

"Yeah it is." Jason said

"I do remember when we you use to have your fun." Alex said as he close his pocket knife and left. Leaving Travis, Jason and I alone.

"Travis go make sure Alex doesn't do anything stupid. " Jason ordered him

Travis glance at me and then did as Jason told him. When Travis left leaving Jason and I alone the room went silence. I wonder why he helped me, so I decided to ask.

"Why did you stop him?" I ask softly

"What?" Jason ask in shock

"Why did you stop him? I repeated

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