Chapter Three

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

It's been two days since we went into that cabin and my parents didn't know. None of us call police because they weren't bothering us so we won't bother them. I walk out of my room and into my brother's room. he's throwing things around looking for something. He seen me starring at him with a confusing look.

"Jas, have you seen my watch?" My brother ask

"No, I haven't." I said

"Ugh, I got to find it." He said

" Keep looking for it, I'm sure you'll find it." I said

He goaned in frustration and kept looking for it and I walked away. I went in the living room with Alice. We began watching tv and eating breakfast, when my brother came in the living room and sat down.

" Did you find it?" I ask wiping my month

"No." He said

I can tell he started thinking about something but ignored it and began watching tv again. He reached over and grab the remote and cut the TV off. Before I could say anything, he says " I think I drop my watch at that cabin."

I look at him with a blank expression.

"No you couldn't have, maybe you need to look harder." Alice said

I nodded my head agreeing with Alice. My brother shook his head at us.

" No I had too, I had it on when I went in there and when I came out it wasn't on my wrist and I just tore up my whole room." My brother said

" Ok so what if it's in there what do you want to do about?" I ask

"I'm going to get it." He simply said

" Are you nuts????? You can't go back in there it to dangerous and plus we almost got caught last time." I said

" Well what am I suppose to do then, when you think of a better way to get it back let me know." He said

After that it got super quiet until Alice spoke up.

"Well if you're going to get that watch back you're going to need a plan, because we're not dealing with regular people we're dealing with criminals." Alice said

"I'm all ears. " My brother said

" Alright here's the plan...Alice trail off

Jason's P.O.V

I'm still stuck on what happen yesterday. It just don't seem like everything is falling for no damn reason but for now I'm letting go. I realized we need to stack up on our weapons and bombs, to have it all set. So I told the guys to go get weapons and I'm making the bombs myself. We did just that. I walk into the basement, that's by the back door and began making bombs.

After a good ten minutes I had like 3 bombs made it really easy when you're a professional bomber. Not to long after that I heard the front door open thinking it the guys I left it alone. But I had a lot of cricking from upstairs then I quickly realize that wasn't the guys. I got up and skip up the basement steps.

Once I reach the kitchen I began stepping quietly and I made my way to the stairs. Like who the fuck would honestly even think to break in my cabin? You must be onw brae person or somebody who has a death wish. I grab my gun from my waist band and walked to the stairs.

" Who the fuck is up here?" I yell.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

We'd went back to the cabin and we walk up the creepy up stairs, we figure we didn't have to be that quiet since nobody was home. We find my brother watch. Then we heard footsteps up the stairs and someone say " Who the fuck is up here."

I look at Alice and my brother like what are we suppose to do???. My brother mouth "hide." I ran into the closet with Alice, my brother went a different way. I heard footsteps come toward us meaning that we need to shut up. The footsteps walk right into the room. I tried to peek through the closest blinds.

I saw that guy look like he was about our age but I could see his face this time he had hazel eyes, brown shaggy hair and pink lips, he was tall, had a lot of tattoos on each of his arm. He check every where and he was about to leave out when Alice started to move and making a lot noise making him turn around. I quickly look at her, I could almost smack her.

He walk towards the closet until he heard the front door shut. He ran downstairs and I let a huge breath of relieve. The front shut meaning my brother left us again. I look over at Alice who look just as scared as me.

"Jas, we have to get out of here. " Alice whispers.

"Well yeah if we don't get caught because of you." I said

"I'm sorry, my shoes got caught on a nail besides we need to leave now." She says

I nodded my head. After that like 5 minutes we decided to try tto escape. We made it to the stairs carefully we just about to go down when we heard a voice from behind us.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" A familiar voice said

We turned around and I saw that guy we saw earlier leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. Fear ran through my body. I glance over at Alice she had the same look on her face I had on mine. We took off running downstairs, we went separate ways Alice went through the front door and I ran out the back door. I heard footsteps behind me making me run faster. I was running then I trip over a branch and I fell hurt my knee. I heard footsteps coming closer towards me. I tried to get up but it was to late, he grab my ankle.

" Where do you think you're going princess?" He say dragging me.

I try to kick him and remove his hand of my ankle but it was useless he was way stronger then me. He roughly pick me up by hair and slam my head to a tree and pulled me back to the cabin. Once we got back to the cabin he drop me on the floor. my head was pounding and blood leak down my forehead. I knew if I try to run, he'll catch me again. Then the front door open revealing a group of guys. I just look down, they were laughing until they saw me sitting on the floor.

"What's with the girl?" One guy ask.

I look up at the guy he had shaggy brown hair and he was tall he has light brown eyes and he was white, he look cute. His voice was sweet unlike the other guys. I wonder why he was with these type of people. He doesn't look like the type to some type of killer. I soon came back to reality.

"I don't know I found her upstairs." The guy said

" Jason why the hell was she upstairs?" The other guy said

" I don't fucking know shit, she was just up there, ask her why she was up there, Alex." Jason said

Alex look over at me and with a smirk on his face.

"What's your name darling?" Alex ask

"Jasmine." I said quietly

"Pretty name." He said

I stay quite. Oh, I wish that Tyler could help me right now!! The guys started talking about something, I felt a needle in my arm and I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and next thing I knew everything went black.

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