Chapter Twelve

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The sounds of moans and groans loudly spread through the house. I turn over to look at my clock, it was two o'clock in the morning. I goan and pull my pillow over my head. All I could hear was Oh Jason, Oh my god and other things. I toss and turn in my bed all night. Two hours past and I still heard moaning and stuff. God how long is this going to take? Does he not know people are trying to sleep? I don't know why but this is hurting me? I don't understand why? I don't know why I feel like this? I don't even like Jason? Or do I?

After about thirty minutes I had enough of hearing this. Then my door open revealing Travis. I looked at him confused to why he's here in my room at three thirty in the morning?

"Get dressed and come with me." Travis said

''What? No." I said

"Fine you can stay here and listening to this all night." Travis said

I quickly got up pushing him out my room and told him wait one minute. I went to my bag of clothes and pick out an outfit.(The picture is her outfit) I opened the door and Travis was waiting patiently for me to come out. Once Travis notice me he look it little shocked, also little stunned.

"Ready?" I said

He bit his lip and nodded his head yes. I wonder where is he taking me at four in the morning. We walk to the car and I began to think does Jason know that he's taking me somewhere.

"Does Jason know about this?" I questioned

"No but Jason busy right now he won't notice." He answered

We got in to what Im assuming is his car and we drove off. All of these questions were in my head. Where is he taking me? What is he going to do? Is he going to kill me? No he doesn't have the heart to kill anyone? Are we going to get food? What if Jason does notice what will happen? What if we get pulled over by the police will the recognize and take me away? Do I want to leave?

I decided stop asking myself for answers that I can't give to myself, I'll just ask Travis.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask

"It's a surprise and were almost there, trust me you'll love it." Travis said

"I hate surprises." I said

He chuckled at me and continue to drive. After a few minutes later we pulled up to a place that surround by lights and had holes in the ground. I look over at Travis with a confuse face. We on towards the place but we stop right before we got to close to the ground. I look at Travis who was looking around. When finally caught stare he raise his eyebrows at me.

"Did we come here to stare at the darkness?" I ask

He chuckled and said "No we came here for this?" I turn my head to where he was pointing I saw the most beautiful water fountain view ever. He was right I would love it.

"It's so beautiful." I said in amazement

"Just like you." Travis said smiling

I look down because I was blushing like crazy. I smile to myself. Travis lifted my up my chin and said "You're even cute when you're blushing." Which made me blush even more so I look like a red tomato. We stared at each other for moment, I remove his hand under chin. I look around to stare at the lovely view. All you can hear the sound of the water and air blowing.

This was nice and it really help me, cause it made me see it more to world then four walls that I'm stuck in all day. Travis flick water at my face catching me off guard. Some of it landed in my hair and I look at him. He was laughing I cup my hands in the water I quickly throwing it on him before it leak through my hands.

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