Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Jasmine's P.O.V

Well after speed cleaning the entire house, we went to bed.

*The next day*

I woke up and I felt someone beside me in my bed, I looked over and it was Jason. Like When did he come in here? Why is he in here? I got up. I was just in my bra and underwear. What the fuck? What did I do last night? All i remember is going to sleep. I don't remember anything that happen.

I looked around the room and my clothes were on the floor, so was Jason. Did we have sex last night? Why can't I remember anything ? This is so frustrating like what in the hell is happen. I shook Jason until I woke him up. His morning voice kills me.

"What?" Jason husky voice said

"Why are you here? What happen last night? Why can't I remember anything?" I yelled

"Stop yelling." He said

"Answer my questions, Jason." I said

"We had sex, alright. Happy now I'm going back to sleep." He said

"WE HAD SEX??"" I yelled

"Yes. Now shut up." He said pulling the cover over his face.

I jump on top of him and snatch the cover off his face.

"Jason." I said "Did we really have sex?"

"No. I was just messing with you." He said

I hit him in chest, causing him to groan. Jason grab my hips and flipped us over.

"Why is it a problem if we have sex?" Jason said

"There's a lot of reason." I said

"It wasn't before." He said

I giggled. Now he's on top and I'm on the bottom. We just stared in each other eyes. Jason slowly lean in for a kiss. His soft lips met mine in harmony. I felt this shock go through my body. Our lips move in symphony. Jason deepen the kiss. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth a little and he shoved his tongue inside my mouth. Before anything could go any farther, someone knock on the door and I pulled back away from him quickly and pushed him off of me and got under the cover. Alex walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt you two but Jason we got a meeting." Alex said

"Alright, I'll be there five minutes." Jason said

Alex left the room. I looked over at Jason.

"Looks like you should be going now." I said

"Naaah." He said

"I guess I'll be going..." I trailed off, I got up but only to be pu

lled right back down onto Jason. I look into his hazel orbs, our eyes locked on each other.
Just then Alex bust in the room again, he notice that Jason didn't move at all. I heard Bruce yelling so this must be important.

"Come on, I'm getting yelled at for your ass." Alex yelled "Let's go!"

"Alright man," Jason said getting up and getting dress.

Alex and I left the room. I went into the kitchen and began looking for something to eat because I'm starving. I mean I can eat an entire farm.

"Um...I never caught your name." A guy with brown hair said

" name is Jasmine." I said

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." The guy said "My name is Ryder."

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