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So here I am, 10 years after that time of terror and adventure. I married Jake 5 years ago, and became Lydia Williams. I have two beautiful children: Geoffrey (4) and Amelia (1). They are almost perfect, apart from their crying and stubbornness. At our wedding, Anna was my maid of honour, Heather, Jane and Janet were my bridesmaids, Susan, Kim, and Autumn were flower girls, Dylan was best man, Thomas (my friend not brother) and Benjamin (Jake's younger brother) were Paige boys. It was a very emotional time.

So now I've committed my life to Jake and my children. And I'm glad I have.

Villainos was hanged on August 12th in the year I was captured. I now remember that day as a day to mark my adventures in which I discovered myself as a leader, friend, and lover.

I've kept in touch with all my friends- Lucas, Lucy, Beth, Holly, Caitlin, even Jay and Gabby.

Speaking about Jay and Gabby, they both got jobs in Scotland, Gabby in the science/biology department working for the military, Jay in the military itself. They both still fight like little kids, especially arguing about how Gabby works for Jay because Jay is in the military and Gabby works for the military. Obviously Gab fights back.

I'm glad with my new life. I have an amazing husband, fabulous children and wonderful friends. I am respected by the community, and Villainos is rid of.

So I have decided to write a book of my adventures. And I have just finished it.

And here it is.

And so The Captive Land actually ends. True to my word this time. Did you like it? Please let me know.

I will not be writing a sequel FOR NOW. I will be writing sequels for some my books after I have finished them, and written a new teen fiction.

Thank you so much for reading!

I would also like to thank a few people. First of all my parents, who have encouraged me with my writing since I started way back even before kindergarten. I would like to thank my friends, for also supporting. And my followers and readers, who have voted and commented. Thanks everyone.

Please read my other books and tell me what you think of this one.

Goodbye Captive Land! For now, anyway!

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