Chapter Three

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I wake up to see sunlight pouring into the cell. It is just a little patch but that's good enough for me at the moment. I also see two guards talking to Phil at my barred door. The two stand at attention when they see my emerald green eyes staring.
"Supplies for you, CAPTIVE." one says.
"Clothes and breakfast, CAPTIVE." the other says. they place the items in my cell and stride away.

I walk forward and find that I no longer have foot cuffs (I forgot to mention before).
"Requested it meself, Lydia!" Says Phil proudly.
"Thank you!" I say, dumbfounded. At least I have a friend around here, I think.

Breakfast is cold porridge and milk. I gulp it down fast. My clothes are surprisingly neat and somewhat sophisticated. I have two pairs of jeans, and two shirts, one white and one black. They are both printed with one word:


"Phil, why am I called a captive?" I ask.
"Oh, that's what they're all called here. S'pose it's 'cause you are all captive in this dark place."
"There are more?"
"Yes indeed, Lydia. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of children like you here."
Again I am dumbfounded. Hundreds of children? Here? Children!
"But they're only kids!" I exclaim.
"I had no say in it, Lydia." Phil sighed, sadly. And that ended the conversation.

I notice that the insides of the clothes are inscribed with words. It says:


"How do they know that I'm seventeen, Phil?"
"Oh, Captain Villainos knows a lot of things, Lyds. He knows what's going on in this place. He just wants to know about the modern world, which is about 2000 miles from here. he especially wants to know about London."
"2000 miles? I gasp.
"Maybe three. Sorry, kid, but Villanos made this place a long way from anywhere."
I slide down the wall, all hope gone. 2000 miles? I can't escape that far!

I ask Phil to turn away while I change respectfully. I have decided that I like Phil. he is respectful, kind, and a truer English gentleman. I wonder why he is here. but I'll save that question for later in or friendship.

I found a set of joggers later. They even know my shoe size. I suddenly hate this guy- all his knowledge and power over the captives. And I want him destroyed.

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