Chapter Two

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Picture of Lydia

I wake up with a start and see darkness. solid grey walls surround me, penetrating any view I might have of my friends or other prisoners. Thick, black bars stand like soldiers in front of me. they match a single, barred window which is high up on the wall. My school bag lies next to me, unscathed. Then I see him.

"Sir?" I croak. My throat is parched.
"Yes, miss?"
"Where am I?"
"In the keep of Captain Villainos,* misses."
"Have I done something wrong?"
"Oh, no, miss! The Cap'in just needs some information, that's all."
I sit in silence for five minutes, then say,
"Call me Phil."
"Well, Phil, what does he want and where are my friends?"
"Miss, I dunno what the captain wants, but your friends are safe, but not here."
I sigh with relief. they are all safe, at home. Then I start to cry.
"Oh, miss, please don't cry!" Says Phil.
"My name, sniff sniff, is, sniff sniff, is Lydia!" I say with great effort. I eventually calm down and crawl onto the steel bed I had not noticed before. it creaks and groans as I find a comfortable position.

As I drift off, I think about my friends and family. have my seven friends told my family? Is mother missing me or even weeping for me?

I think of my friends. My brave, brave friends. Anna, Heather, the twins and the boys...

*pronounced Vill-an-os

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