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I had been having a bad feeling all day. It had been 3 days since Malia slept over. Stiles and her had made up. And I had a Lacrosse game earlier today.

The coach didn't understand what we meant by "Kira and Scott are doing something that will make them a little late." It was quite funny actually. However now I was sittin on the bench with Malia. The bad feeling in my stomach growing.

So when Stiles ran over to us. I knew it was bad. "Guys. Guys it's Scott and Kira. They were kidnapped by Kate." He said panting. "What! Where are they!?" I asked shocked.

He looked at me and sighed. "Mexico." She said. And that's how I ended up in the back of a van with the two people I hate most sitting with me.

Liam was freaking to out. It was a full moon. And seeing as how he didn't... Seeing as how he didn't have an anchor, he couldn't control himself.

"Look hollow I'm sorry. I over reacted." I sat there not moving or saying anything. "Hollow!" He said louder. I however was not giving him the satisfaction of accepting his apology.

"And how many times do I have to say. Your aunt deserved the bite! She was torturing Scott!" Derek said annoyed. I ignored him too. And then Liam started shifting.

I laid back against the metal wall of the van. Closing my eyes, and plugging in my headphones. I wasn't looking at either of them.

Soon after. Mainly because I couldn't hear or see anything. I fell asleep.  But than Kate's ugly face appeared in my dreams and I woke up.

I was still in the back of the van. Only I was alone. They seriously left me in the van? Really? I opened up the doors at the back of the van and looked around.

The first thing I noticed was Derek on the ground with Braden. A pool of blood surrounding them. I ran over. "Derek Braden. What the hell!" I screamed.

"We'll be fine okay? Go help your friends!" Braden yelled. "No I'm not leaving you here!" I yelled at her.

"Listen. I know you think you have to help everyone. Trust me I know. Your mother was the same. Not Kate! Kate's not your mother! She just said she was so that I wouldn't get to have you. So that you would be an Argent. Your mother was Paige." He said so soft I could barely hear him.

He continued. "She had you before she died. That's why I wanted to change her. But she died the night she had you.  Kate told everyone you were hers, so I couldn't have you. Peter helped her." He choked out. I looked at him for a moment before nodding.

"Cya dad." I said before I ran off into the church, leaving a stunned Derek Hale behind. I ran through as many hallways and rooms as I could.

My friends were no where to be found. I didn't know what to do. Of course that was until I heard a familiar scream. Liam. I took off running in the direction of the scream. Using my senses to help me.

I ran into the room as Scott and Peter were fighting. All my anger built up and I knew what I had to do. "Stop!" I commanded them both. Of course they had no choice but to do as I said.

I was their alpha. I stalked over to Scott  and Peter. "Don't touch him!" I growled to Scott. He stepped back. "Aww why thank you nie-" I cut him off by grabbing him around the throat. Lifting him in the air.

"You. Really think. You can defeat me! I'm. The alpha. I've always been the alpha!" He choked out.

"You where never the Alpha Peter. But you were always a monster." I said before I threw him up the wall. Causing him to get knocked out.

I walked away from all my friends. "Ass." I muttered as I walked past Liam. I was getting out of this church. I started running when I got into the hallway.

Once I made it out I looked over to were Derek and Braden were. Only to be greeted with an empty space. "What?" I muttered. "Hollow!" I heard Liam scream. I turned around to see him running towards me.

"Hollow it sucks that we can't be together. It does. But could we at least be friends?" He asked. I looked at him slightly amused. "Dude I swear you the only guy that has ever asked that." I said laughing.

"So is that a yes?" He asked. "Of course. So long as you admit you were an ass for 1- almost killing me on a few occasions. 2- leaving me at the river and 3- leaving me in the van." I said seriously.

"Okay. I was an ass for 1- almost killing you on a few occasions. 2- leaving you at the river and 3- leaving you in the van." He said laughing.

We stood there awkwardly for a while before I saw an all to familiar bitch walking towards Liam. She caught up to him in a matter of seconds.

"Liam!" I screamed before I pushed him out of the way. Kate smiled. "I knew you'd do that you pathetic waste of power!" She screamed befor stabbing me in the chest with a bone.

I looked back at my friends. Then Derek came into view. My senses were failing. I couldn't hear anything but then he turned into a full on wolf and attacked Kate.

Liam kissing me is the last thing I remember before I blacked out. That's when I knew I would always care about Liam.

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