Mrs Lennings

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I sat on my bed in my empty house. I was so very bored, lonely, in need of friends, the arrow from last night sitting on my bed beside me?

I was sitting watching A Night Mare on Elm Street when I looked out the window and saw my neighbour Mrs Lennings, carrying boxes into a truck.

I quickly jumped up and ran down the stairs. I wasn't going to let a 60 or so woman carry all them boxes by herself. I ran out the door and over to the ageing woman.

"Mrs Lennings!" I yelled out before I reached her. "Hollow? Oh my goodness child you've grown up! I didn't know you where back in town!" She she said shocked.

Oh, that's right. I didn't tell her I was back in town. "Yeah, sorry about that. I only came back a few weeks ago. Would you like some help with your boxes?" I asked smiling.

"Oh that would be lovely dear. My grandson was supposed to be coming to help me today but as you can see, his no here." She said laughing.

I smiled and grabbed a few of the larger boxes that were spread out on the lawn. Packing them in the the truck. We continued this till all the boxes were done.

I looked up to see the darkening sky. "Well you better be getting home dear. But thank you so much for helping me load them boxes!" She said wiping away her sweat. "Oh that is perfectly fine Mrs Lennings. But are you sure you don't need any more help?" I asked.

"Oh no dear. I'm fine thank you." She said hugging me. I hugged her back and then pulled away. Waving and turning to walk back into the house. But not before I spotted the 'sold' sign on her lawn.

Looks like I will be having a few new neighbours. My phone let out a been in my pocket. I pulled it out, seeing Scott's name across the screen. I opened his message and began to read.

Hey Hollow just letting you know that there we're assassins at the school. Me Kira and Malia got infected by this virus. Fine now. Malia is coming over to your house to talk, found out about Hale.

What? There were assassins at the school? It's a Saturday? Oh right the exams. Wait Malia is looking for me? Found out about Hale? Wha-ohhhhhhhhhh. That was her name on the dead pool.

I looked up from my phone to see Malia walking towards me. A blank expression. She strode up to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, engulfing me in a large hug. I hugged her back.

"Did you know?" She asked bluntly. "I saw Malia Hale writing on the dead pool but I wasn't sure if it was you." I answered looking at her.

She looked at me sadly. "Stiles knew. He knew and he didn't tell me. And I don't know what to do. I've never felt this way before!" She said, her eyes watering.

I looked at her sadly. "Emergency sleepover and movie marathon?" I asked smiling lightly. She started nodding quickly a smile spreading over her face. "Ive never had either of those before." She said smiling.

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